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Top universities in Kazakhstan for international students


Top universities in Kazakhstan for international students

Kazakhstan is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international students due to its high-quality education, international programs, and affordable tuition fees. Here are some of the top universities that attract students from different countries.

Nazarbayev University

One of the most prestigious universities in Kazakhstan, established with the support of international partners. The instruction is in English, and the faculty consists of specialists from leading global universities.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The oldest university in the country, offering a wide range of academic programs. It actively develops international partnerships and provides various scholarships for foreign students.

Kazakh-British Technical University

Specializing in technical and economic disciplines, this university collaborates with British institutions and major companies, making it attractive to international students.

Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university

A popular choice for medical students from abroad, featuring modern clinical facilities and a strong faculty.

Abylai Khan University of international relations and world languages

The best university for studying foreign languages and international relations. Many students from both near and far abroad choose it to learn Kazakh and Russian.

Abylkas Saginov Karaganda technical university

A major engineering and technical university in high demand among international students, especially from CIS countries. The university collaborates with industries, increasing graduates' employment opportunities.

International University of Information Technology

An IT-focused university that actively partners with foreign educational institutions and IT companies, attracting international students.

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Founded in 1996 in Astana, ENU is one of Kazakhstan’s top universities with around 13,000 students. It offers programs in multiple languages and hosts 26 research centers, laboratories, and institutes.

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