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Boxing, design, robotics: 10 clubs and sections in Tashkent to enroll your child


Boxing, design, robotics: 10 clubs and sections in Tashkent to enroll your child

We’ll share some courses for children in the capital of Uzbekistan that might interest both you and your child.

Aloha, @aloha.uz

Where: Mirabad St, 9A

A learning center for mental arithmetic. The center is staffed by world-class teachers who follow an international program. Arithmetic helps develop a child's attention, logic, imagination, and other cognitive functions.

Sensus, @sensusedu

Where: Istikbol St, 15

Language courses in seven foreign languages. The center collaborates with the British consulate, allowing children to actively practice their language skills in real-life situations.

Kingdom Education, @kingdomuz

Where: Furkat St, 11A

The educational center offers "Curiosity" courses for children aged four to six. They learn counting, writing, and develop thinking and memory skills.

IT Step, @itstep.tashkent

Where: Istikbol St, 14

An international academy offering IT programming and design courses. Children from nine years old can enroll, and summer IT camps are available for children starting from eight.

Faraday, @faraday_school

Where: Leo Tolstoy St, 65

Robotics courses that foster creative thinking, verbal skills, and introduce the basics of programming. Classes are held in a playful manner for children aged six to sixteen.

"Sila znaniy", @silaznaniy

Where: Mirabad St, 14

The center's advantage is its sports sections for preschool children. Available training includes boxing, MMA, judo, volleyball, basketball, and more.

Avokado School, @avokado.school

Where: Aviasonlar 2nd Lane, 16A

Drawing courses for children from four years old. Classes are held twice a week under the supervision of professional educators who help unlock the child's potential.

Diamond Dance, @diamonddance.uz

Where: Shota Rustaveli St, 17

Dance courses for children. They teach ballroom and sports dancing, developing agility, endurance, and coordination.

Chess Masters, @chess_masters.uz

Where: Labzak St, 120

Chess courses that help develop critical thinking, verbal skills, concentration, and strategy in children.

Bolivia.kids, @bolivia.kids

Where: Tarakkiyet 2nd Lane, 26

Courses on financial literacy and public speaking. These are valuable skills that are especially important for both children and adults today.

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