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Private schools in Bishkek: a review of the best educational institutions


Private schools in Bishkek: a review of the best educational institutions

We’ve compiled information on 10 private schools in Bishkek that offer high-quality education and comprehensive development.

Bilimkana American School, @bilimkana.kg

A school where each student receives a personalized approach to learning. Bilimkana provides preparation for ORT, SAT, and TOEFL, as well as comprehensive support for applying to international universities.

Bishkek Kyrgyz-Turkish Male Lyceum Named After Ch. Aitmatov, aitmatov.edu.kg

Education is conducted in English, and students have the opportunity to learn Turkish.

Kelechek MIT, @kelechek.mit

Kelechek MIT is a school of the future where children study robotics and programming from the first grade. Using modern educational technologies and international textbooks, the school helps children develop skills necessary for a successful career in the digital world. The school offers over 15 sports and creative clubs.

American European School, @aes.kg

This school helps children improve their English and develop critical thinking skills. The STEAM program ensures comprehensive development and preparation for future careers, while the three-year preparatory program for international universities gives students an edge in the future.

Lyceum Aichurek, @aichurok.highschool

A Kyrgyz-Turkish girls' lyceum where education is conducted in English with Turkish language studies. The lyceum is known for its high educational standards and focus on developing cultural and linguistic competencies.

Seytek Stem School, @seytekstem_primary

This school provides education in Russian from grades 1 to 11, with an emphasis on advanced English and science subjects.

"Prioritet", @prioritet.shkola.kg

A private school with a unique approach to education, aiming to inspire children to learn and develop. The gymnasium program, collaboration with a German school, and project-based education help students become well-rounded individuals.

Smart School, @smart_school_edu

In this school, children from grades 1 to 6 receive education with a focus on individual attention and the use of innovative technologies. The school offers additional classes and developmental activities to help children discover their talents.

ISIT ERUDITE, @erudite_isit

An international school integrating technology and knowledge into the educational process. Education from grades 0 to 11 focuses on developing creativity and digital skills.

"Abiturient Plus", @abiturient_kg

A full-day primary school with an emphasis on mathematics and English from the first grade. The school offers sections in chess, robotics, choreography, and other extracurricular subjects.

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