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Which school in Astana to choose for your child: 10 private educational institutions


Which school in Astana to choose for your child: 10 private educational institutions

We have compiled a selection of international-level educational institutions in Astana, each offering a unique approach to education.

Canadian International School, CIS, @cisastana

The school is accredited by the British Columbia Ministry of Education, the Government of British Columbia, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.

CIS provides quality education based on the Canadian educational system, focusing on academic and personal development. The school offers instruction in English, adhering to international standards and innovative methodologies. The curriculum includes both traditional subjects and modern skills, preparing students for admission to leading universities worldwide.

Riviera International School, RIS, @riviera_school_by_quantum

The school offers students an international program recognized in 125 countries, emphasizing the development of real-life skills and participation in social projects. Instruction is provided by over 200 specialists from Kazakhstan, the USA, and the UK in a multilingual format. Scholarships are also available for talented students.

Astana Garden School, @astanagardenschool

The school employs advanced methodologies, including Singaporean and Design-based Project Learning. In the younger grades, the focus is on problem-based learning and interdisciplinary projects, while older students prepare for international tests and university admission.

Nur-Orda Lyceum, @nurorda

This modern educational institution emphasizes academic performance and the holistic development of students. The educational process incorporates innovative methodologies and international standards, providing quality education in Kazakh and Russian. The lyceum prepares students for successful admission to leading universities in the country and abroad.

Quantum STEM School, @quantumstem

In the primary grades, the school uses the Singaporean method, while the middle grades focus on science, programming, and engineering. High school students follow the global Advanced Placement program. Quantum holds the status of a Cambridge International School and is an international testing center for IELTS, SAT, AP, and Cambridge exams. The institution ranked first in the PISA and CSAT ratings among schools in Kazakhstan.

Haileybury Astana, @haileyburyastana

This British private school, known for its high educational ranking, offers instruction based on the International Baccalaureate program and British standards. The school is recognized for its high level of preparation and individual approach to students. Recently, it joined the Federation of British International Schools in Asia FOBISIA, opening opportunities for international events and cooperation. Graduates of the school have received over $1 million in scholarships from leading universities.

QSI International School, @qsiastanaofficial

The Astana QSI is part of the Quality Schools International network, providing education in English and accredited under the IB program. The school offers a variety of academic and extracurricular programs, with English as the primary language of instruction.

Alpamys School, @alpamys_school

Alpamys School utilizes the English model of education. For younger grades, the focus is on independent research, while middle school students develop communication and global interaction skills. The school employs the STEAM approach and its proprietary Alpamys Free Minds program in Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Tamos Space School, tamosspace.edu.kz

At Tamos Space School, primary education is conducted using the Finnish methodology. In 2023, the institution gained the status of a Cambridge International School and is a permanent member of the Council of International Schools. It offers over 30 sections in creative, sports, and academic disciplines.

Spectrum International School, spectrum.edu.kz

The school is accredited by international organizations, including the Council of International Schools CIS, and holds the status of a Cambridge International School. It offers Cambridge IGCSE and AS & A Levels programs. Full and partial scholarships are available for students in grades 9-12.

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