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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Private schools in Dushanbe: 7 institutions focused on languages and IT


Private schools in Dushanbe: 7 institutions focused on languages and IT

The new school year is just around the corner. We have compiled a list of 8 private schools and gymnasiums that offer quality education in multiple languages with a strong emphasis on sciences and IT.

Asri Nav, @asrinav.school

Asri Nav Private School was recently opened and uses innovative methods and individualized approaches to educate each student.

Horizon Private School, @horizon.edu.tj

All classes at Horizon are conducted in English, using a modern STEAM methodology.

Global School, @global_school.tj

The educational process is carried out in several foreign languages, including Russian and English, based on state educational programs and contracts.

Payomi Donish, @school_payomidonish

Education is provided according to Russian standards, utilizing modern equipment and technology.

Navovar, @navovar.school

The school offers classes in robotics and programming, teaching students to create and program robots.

Hamadon, @hamadon_gymnasium

The gymnasium employs foreign teachers, and education is conducted in three languages with a focus on English and IT sciences.

Saidumar, @gymnasium_saidumar

This gymnasium places special emphasis on the study of exact sciences and is equipped with modern facilities.

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