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7 Central Asian companies that support science development


7 Central Asian companies that support science development

We collected a selection of initiatives from companies in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan that have helped to develop the scientific sphere in the region.


The Company carries out many social initiatives in Kazakhstan. One of the first projects is BeginIT, a free leadership program for young people in the regions. Participants get the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, and finalists will receive a grant from the new innovative university inVision and become the owners of targeted grants: travel, equipment, education.

In addition, the company opened Spark Lab — a project and educational laboratory that brings together students from Almaty to work on projects aimed at solving socially significant problems in Kazakhstan.

Another important project is the Aurora Tech Award, an international award for female entrepreneurs and founders of IT startups with a total prize fund of 100,000 dollars.

Freedom Holding Corp.

CEO Timur Turlov became a trustee of the IQanat project in 2019. Since then, the group of companies has been funding the school's operations and the construction of campuses, the last of which was built in February 2024

The company also runs the Challenge Freedom Telecom, a program aimed at finding innovative solutions to a specific challenge formed from an existing Freedom Telecom problem. Winners are usually awarded contracts to deliver scientific technology.

Alageum Electric

The electric machine building holding cooperates with domestic universities and research institutes, financing various studies and projects.

From 2018 to 2023, Alageum Electric financed the design developments of the TRENCO R&D center for over one billion tenge. And thanks to joint work with scientific institutes, one of the largest plants of the group mastered the production of transformers and reactors, which were not previously produced in Kazakhstan.

Kumtor Gold Company

The gold mining company helped to open a scientific laboratory at the American University in Central Asia. Equipped with modern equipment, it allows the company to conduct laboratory work on eco- and geo-chemistry and conduct experiments necessary for scientific papers.

Kumtor Gold Company also periodically supports scientific and technical Olympiads for school children.

Kompanion Bank

Kompanion Bank jointly with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development implemented a loan program aimed at promoting «green» and sustainable lending. Companies and organizations receive grants for scientific innovations in the field of ecology and environmental protection.


The company supports talents and provides grants for students from different universities across the country every year. For example, in 2023, five students from the Institute of Pharmacy, FTTI and EMU received grants.

Grandpharm also gives young scientists the opportunity to work on research projects, while simultaneously completing internships at the company.

Beeline Uzbekistan

Last year, the telecommunications company allocated grants, thanks to which young specialists from Uzbekistan were able to undergo training at Astrum IT Academy.

Beeline Uzbekistan is also a digital partner of a large-scale international project Tumaris.Tech. Its goal is to support women's initiatives in the sphere of information technologies and science.

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