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5 must-see places in Kazakhstan


5 must-see places in Kazakhstan


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Bektau-Ata — a tract, which is 70 kilometers to the north of the Balkhash city. This is a beautiful place, with an amazing landscape and it has a volcanic origin. Here you can also find a variety of fauna, for example, pelicans.

Lake Yazevoe

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The lake is located on the territory of the Katon-Karagai National Park in the East Kazakhstan region. The height of the lake is 1686 meters above sea level. Yazevoe River flows from the lake. There are waterfalls in about 2 kilometers downstream. On the east coast, there is a tourist base. Moreover, on the north side — Belukha peak, which in quiet weather is reflected in the waters of the Lake Yazevoe. It is located 28 kilometers from the village of Yazovaya. This is the only lake in the region where ides are found, reaching 3 kilograms.




Karynzharyk is a valley that reaches minus 75 meters and is located in the southwestern part of the Mangistau region. Feature — 5 remnant mountains, towering more than 150 meters in height. Three of them stand close to each other, because of what the locals call these mountains "Three Batyrs" or "Three Brothers".




Clay canyon is located 120 km from the city Kurchum (2 hours on the road), which is also called "City of Spirits". The landscape of the canyon is simply stunning in its diversity: plains, salt patches, meadow vegetation bands adjacent to the dried out streamlets that disappear in the summer. The bright coloring of clay rocks attests the fact that they formed in the hot and humid tropical climate during Mesozoic period, when dinosaurs dominated.

Aktau Mountains

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The chalk Aktau mountains are a unique natural monument that is part of the Altyn-Emel National Park and located in the southeast of Kazakhstan. The fossilized remains of ancient plants and animals were found in the mountains, such as giant rhinoceroses, crocodiles and turtles that lived in the territory of modern Kazakhstan 30 million years ago.

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