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  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Mexico City is divided into a lot of districts or boroughs, and each district has a representation or a logo. For example, I live in the district Coyoacan and it is represented by coyote. I live in the southern part of Mexico City and I would describe this area as a peaceful, calm place with a lot of houses. However, on the weekends, the traffic is pretty hectic.

Mexico City is divided into a lot of districts or boroughs, and each district has a representation or a logo. For example, I live in the district Coyoacan and it is represented by coyote.

The area where I live is bit more artistic, and there you can meet many bohemian people like painters and writers. You can travel in an air balloon to have a great view of the whole city or can have it from the river Xochimilco.

I don’t live in the center of the town, but close to Frida Kahlo Museum which is also known as the Blue House (La Casa Azul) because its walls are colored in blue. The museum contains a collection of artworks by Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and other artists along with the couples of Mexican folk arts, pre-Hispanic artifacts, photographs and many more. The house and the museum are located in Colonia del Carmen area. Also, I like going to Diego Rivera Museum and Leon Trotsky Museum. Leon Trotsky lived there with his wife from 1939 to 1940. The museum consists of the house, garden and the outer walls with facilities for the guards. It is located in a quiet residential neighborhood next to an arroyo (creek) that runs parallel to Churubusco River.

The room in which Trotsky was killed remains exactly as it was at that time. The papers and the books are untouched and lie in their exact positions.

I recommend anyone to visit Diego Rivera Museum which is a unique museum conceived and created by muralist — Diego Rivera who was motivated by his own interests in Mexico cultures.

I love going to the city center because you can walk around the flea market on the weekends; can try nice foods, and go to amazing restaurants. You can meet interesting people, and get experience of a part of Mexico.

On September 16, on the independence day of Mexico, you can see a fair in the city center, walk around and relax. Moreover, you can see a lot of churches, buildings with amazing architectures in the city, and take a red bus to join some tours.

Those who are looking for places to go with a child should visit zoos, amusement parks with a lot of roller-coasters.

We have a zoo called Chapultepec Zoo located in Chapultepec Park and it is the best known Mexican zoo. The zoo is especially famous for its success in giant panda breeding.

You can go with children and they can do there different jobs, get licenses for driving; make candies in little factories as a part of play.

Mexico is famous for huge variety of traditional foods such as tacos, posole soup, chiles en nogada. Chiles en nogada, with three colors of the Mexican flag, is one of Mexico’s most patriotic dishes. Poblano chillies filled with picadillo — a mixture of chopped meat, fruits and spices — represent the green on the flag, the walnut-based cream sauce is the white and pomegranate seeds the red.

You can try a lot of deserts and one of them is called flan which is an open pastry or cupcake containing a sweet or savory filling usually caramel. Another desert is called arroz con leche — a rice pudding made by cooking rice with milk and sugar and usually accompanied by cinnamon, vanilla, raisons etc.

You can meet the dish churro which is more popular in Spain. It is a crunchy, deep-fried sweet snack that's similar to a donut.

People in Mexico City are very warm, open to new cultures, friendly, and easy going. People celebrate Dia de Muertos or Day of the Dead throughout Mexico. People believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.

You will find a lot of things to do in every area. You can walk around the city, try street food, hang out with friends, and enjoy your staying in such a wonderful city.

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