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7 most picturesque nature reserves of Kyrgyzstan


7 most picturesque nature reserves of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is rich in natural treasures. Here are seven reserves worth visiting for their unique landscapes.

Issyk-Kul Nature Reserve

Location: Issyk-Kul region

The Issyk-Kul Nature Reserve was established in 1948. It protects 11 species of birds and 13 species of insects listed in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan.

Besh-Aral Nature Reserve

Location: Jalal-Abad region

The Besh-Aral Nature Reserve is home to the Menzbier's marmot, which is listed in the Red Data Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. This species can only be found here and nowhere else on the planet.

Karatala-Japyrik Nature Reserve

Location: Naryn region

The Karatala-Japyrik Nature Reserve features floodplain fir forests. Within its territory lies Lake Son-Kul, which has become a nesting site for the mountain goose, also listed in the Red Book.

Naryn Nature Reserve

Location: Naryn region

Established in 1983, the Naryn Nature Reserve aims to protect coniferous forests and alpine meadows. The main objects of protection include Schrenk’s spruce and the red deer, alongside other species such as argali, mountain goats, roe deer, bears, wolves, snow leopards, and more.

Kulanatin State Nature Reserve

Location: Osh region

The Kulanatin State Nature Reserve was established in 2004. It is home to the stunning high-altitude Kulan Lake. The reserve hosts 24 species of mammals, 81 species of birds, and 808 species of plants.

Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve

Location: Jalal-Abad region

The Sary-Chelek Reserve is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Here, you can find deer, mountain rams, snow leopards, Turkestan lynxes, and brown bears. It has been included in UNESCO's international network of biosphere reserves.

Sarychat-Ertash Nature Reserve

Location: Issyk-Kul region

The Sarychat-Ertash Nature Reserve is one of the main habitats for snow leopards, Pallas's cats, the Tien Shan subspecies of mountain sheep, mountain goats, stone martens, marmots, and hares. This is the only place in the republic where the wild cat, the Pallas' cat, lives.

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