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Where to go in Uzbekistan: stunning nature reserves and national parks


Where to go in Uzbekistan: stunning nature reserves and national parks

Discover the best natural routes in Uzbekistan that you should include in your trip to this amazing country.

Nature Reserves

Gissar State Reserve

Located in the south of Uzbekistan, the Gissar Reserve encompasses the slopes of the Gissar Range. Here you can find a variety of landscapes, from semi-deserts to meadows.

Zaamin State Juniper Mountain Reserve

Known for its juniper forests and picturesque mountains, this reserve is home to wildlife such as brown bears and steppe eagles.

Kitab State Geological Reserve

Located in the Kitab district of the Kashkadarya region, this reserve offers a glimpse of fossils that are more than 470 million years old.

Kyzylkum State Tugai-Sand Reserve

Situated in the Kyzylkum Desert, this unique place protects tugai forests, which play a key role in maintaining the desert ecosystem. Rare animals like the desert fox and goitered gazelle can be found here.

Nurata State Mountain-Nut Reserve

Located on the slopes of the Nurata Range, this reserve protects unique mountain ecosystems, including walnut forests.

Surkhan State Mountain-Forest Reserve

The Surkhan Reserve is famous for its mountain-forest ecosystems. It is home to Persian leopards, vultures, and rare plant species.

Chatkal State Mountain-Forest Biosphere Reserve

One of the oldest and largest reserves in Uzbekistan, located on the western slopes of the Chatkal Range. The reserve is home to many species, including the brown bear and snow leopard.

National Parks

Zaamin National Nature Park

Located in the Jizzakh region, on the slopes of the Tian Shan Mountains, this scenic park attracts nature lovers with its juniper forests and diverse flora and fauna. The park is home to brown bears, badgers, and many bird species. It is also rich in historical and cultural sites, including ancient petroglyphs and archaeological monuments.

Ugams-Chatkal National Nature Park

Situated in the Tashkent region and a UNESCO World Heritage site, this natural park is known for its mountains, gorges, and mountain rivers such as the Pskem, Chatkal, Ugam, and Koksu. The park offers great opportunities for ecotourism, including hiking, camping, and ski resorts like Chimgan and Beldersay.

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