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City of Mary. Where to rest in Turkmenistan


City of Mary. Where to rest in Turkmenistan

Mary is the fourth largest city in Turkmenistan and is home to a wide variety of nationalities. The city was founded in 1884. For many years, it was considered an important logistics hub on the Great Silk Road and the capital of the prosperous Margiana region. Today it is not only a tourist mecca, but also an industrial center of Turkmenistan.

Where is Mary located

Many modern tourists who are inspired by the history and culture of the Central Asian region are interested in the question: where the city of Mary is located. It is located in the south-eastern part of Turkmenistan, in the delta of the Murghab River, which originates in the mountains of Afghanistan. The city is located in the very center of the hot sands of the Karakum desert, on the territory of the Merv oasis. It is the proximity to ancient Merv, which emerged in the middle of the I millennium BC and once destroyed, made this place truly unique. The ruins of ancient settlements, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, are still preserved here.

Why Mary is considered the main resort of Turkmenistan

Today, resting in Mary is a dream of travelers who are fond of history, ancient culture and disappeared civilizations. That is why excursion tourism has become the main type of entertainment in this region.

The site represents the remains of no less than five ancient settlements of different historical periods. Along with Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and India, it remains one of the centers of world history. It is not for nothing that foreign tourists often come here, wishing to see the historical artifacts that have survived to this day.

What kind of rest there is here

The city of Mary in Turkmenistan offers mostly quiet rest, which will be to the liking of couples and lovers of antiquity. In addition to the grandiose historical and cultural heritage, this region has a lot of interesting gastronomic places. This is a great way to get acquainted with the original culinary traditions of Turkmens. Turkmen souvenirs deserve special attention — magnificent handmade carpets, skullcaps and jewelry. There are no night clubs here. But local bars are open for dance lovers.

Sights of Mary

Despite the fact that the modern history of this place began relatively recently, the sights of Mary can surprise even experienced travelers. There are many interesting monuments, reminding of the former greatness of the local rulers. Considering the fact that the history of this place goes back centuries, tourists who come here on vacation will really have something to look at. The most iconic landmarks of this region are considered to be:

Gonur Depe. An ancient settlement, one of the most important historical and cultural monuments of Central Asia. Gonur-Depe was once one of the largest cities of the Bronze Age and served as a transportation hub of the Silk Road. Once in Gonur-Depe, you will see reminders of the life of ancient civilizations that inhabited this region.

Gurbanguly Hajji Mosque. The main cathedral mosque of Mari province. The mosque is decorated with graceful domes and four 63-meter minarets with marvelous patterns. Today it remains a place of spirituality and prayer for the local population and the main attraction for travelers.

Sultan Sanjar Mausoleum. A real medieval skyscraper, which is crowned by a well-preserved two-tiered dome. Beneath it are three-tiered, through galleries represented by openwork arches.

Mari Historical and Cultural Reserve. A museum complex including: fortresses, mosques and mausoleums of rulers of different epochs. If you first come here on vacation, this is a great opportunity to enjoy the rich history and culture of this region, and learn about the different peoples who have lived here for centuries.

If you are looking for interesting places in Mary, you can't ignore: Badkhyz Reserve, ancient settlement of Durnali, ruins of Erk-Kala citadel, Yusuf Hamadani Mosque.

What entertainments are available

In Mary, rest is quite diverse. There are many stores where tourists can buy clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry and souvenirs. However, the greatest interest for shoppers is the Green Bazaar, where you can not only buy any product, but also get a taste of the culture of the East.

The local Rukhiyet Palace regularly hosts concerts and performances of creative groups. There is also a huge horse farm where rare Akhal-Teke horses are bred.

Fans of gastronomic delights, planning a vacation in this amazing place, can spend a pleasant time in the restaurant of European and Turkish cuisine Lezzet, Italian restaurant Sapak or Russian-Turkmen restaurant Sakra.

Where to stay

Hotels in Mary vary in comfort and prices. Almost all of them are located in the central part of the city. Inexpensive hotels include: Margush, Dayanch. Among budget hotels it is worth noting separately: Yrsgal, Ak-yol.


If you are interested in a vacation surrounded by ancient sights, local history and ethnographic museums, a trip to Mary is exactly what you need. It is better to come here in spring, in April-May, or in autumn, in September-October, when the weather conditions are most favorable. The trip can be timed to one of the local holidays, for example, Turkmen Horse Day, Turkmen Carpet Day or Turkmen Melon Day. Whenever you come here, you will have a magical vacation, a lot of bright emotions and impressions.

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