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What to buy in Tashkent: 15 trendy uzbek brands


What to buy in Tashkent: 15 trendy uzbek brands

Tashkent's local brands are gaining popularity, offering unique fashion pieces and accessories. Here are 15 must-know Uzbek brands for stylish clothing, gifts, or souvenirs.

AzukarMoreno, @azukar_moreno_

AzukarMoreno promotes sustainable and "slow" fashion, creating eco-conscious clothing for long-term use. Their collection features elegant dresses, blazers, skirts, tunics, and trousers.

Dildora Kasimova Brand, @dildorakasimovaofficial

Dildora Kasimova blends Eastern art with high fashion, incorporating golden embroidery and traditional suzani patterns. The collection includes elegant chapans, dresses, and suits for special occasions or casual wear.

Inside by Sana, @insidebysana

Known for contemporary designs with traditional ikat patterns, the brand offers coats, dresses, bombers, and quilted jackets. For warmer seasons, they feature ikat vests, suits, and blazers with stylish collars.

Nadi_uz, @nadi_uz

Founded by Nadiro Abdurahmanova, this brand crafts vibrant brocade chapans, satin vests, and other pieces highly sought after globally.

STONE CITY, @stonecity.uz

STONE CITY offers versatile items like double-sided garments combining Uzbek motifs with everyday functionality. Their collection includes bags, shirts, scarves, dresses, and corsets made from adras and atlas fabrics, as well as children's clothing.

Moda ot Mado, @moda_ot_mado

Their spring-summer 2023 collection includes staple dresses, suits from staple fabric, jackets, corsets from adras, and t-shirts with national prints. Custom tailoring options are available.

Fratelli Casa, @fratellicasauzb

An ethnobrand producing clothing, footwear, accessories, and home textiles featuring Eastern patterns, catering to locals and tourists alike.

Nice Coffee Toys, @nice_coffee_toys

This brand collaborates with Uzbek artists to create unique accessories, such as earrings shaped like traditional caps or brooches featuring dancers in national attire.

TamKam, @tamkam_uz

TamKam is known for its hand-painted Uzbek galoshes adorned with rhinestones. They also offer leather goods with national motifs, including notebooks, key holders, and brooches.

Kanishka, @kanishka_dsgn

Kanishka combines Uzbek aesthetics with modern trends in clothing and leather goods, adding touches of humor while maintaining elegance.

Uzbek Identity, @uzbek.identity

This brand appeals to youth with t-shirts and hoodies featuring Uzbek inscriptions and patterns. They also offer clutches with Uzbek textile accents, complemented by postcards and stickers.

UNCLECHILL WEAR, @unclechillwear

Specializing in men’s ethnic-inspired fashion, UNCLECHILL WEAR offers shirts, jeans, cloaks, and sweatshirts that blend traditional patterns with modern aesthetics.

Underground Store Tashkent, @underground_store_tashkent

This store features a wide range of women's Uzbek cloaks alongside dresses, suits, shirts, and t-shirts with contemporary designs.

Missy Handmade, @missy.handmade.uzbekistan

Missy Handmade creates waterproof bags and makeup cases, enhanced with ikat inserts. Customers can order customized designs.

Adras Republic, @adras_republic

Adras Republic is known for stylish women's chapans and their own workshop producing ikat-made costumes, dresses, t-shirts, and other clothing items.

Each brand showcases the unique cultural heritage of Uzbekistan while integrating modern trends, making Tashkent a hub for authentic and fashionable local goods.

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