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Made in Bishkek: 16 local brands where you can buy gifts for yourself and loved ones


Made in Bishkek: 16 local brands where you can buy gifts for yourself and loved ones

Bishkek is home to many local brands that create unique products, from stylish clothing to handmade accessories. Here are some of the most interesting ones.

be adam, @beadam.store

be adam is a Kyrgyz brand specializing in comfortable everyday clothing. According to the brand's description, they create "a wardrobe with meaning."

№36, @north__36

№36 is a local youth clothing brand that reflects style and freedom. The designers emphasize high-quality fabrics and craftsmanship.

Izder, @izder_iz

A young local brand offering silk scarves with unique original prints, dresses featuring the Ak-Sai canyons, stylish shirts, and tights with original designs.

Sonun, @sonun_

Sonun is a brand embodying luxury and aesthetics. The clothing expresses both feminine strength and delicacy. The collection includes corsets made of natural wool, tops, dresses, and bodysuits that highlight refinement and elegance.

Cut a Dash, @cutadash_official

Cut a Dash is a brand that boldly combines art, ethnicity, and eco-consciousness. Each collection reflects unique ideas, original prints, and well-thought-out color solutions, developing ethnic codes in a modern direction.

Meo Mag, @meo_mag

Meo Mag is a store offering women’s clothing made in-house. Their catalog includes tailored long blazers, elegant dresses, tweed jackets, draped suits, and other pieces that highlight sophistication and femininity.

MARENGO, @marengo_kg

MARENGO is a designer clothing brand that creates collections for women. The brand's assortment includes suits, bombers, capes, silk and velvet skirts, combinations, and much more.

Qyzyq, @qyzyq_store

Qyzyq is a brand of ethnic accessories. Their zinc items with silver coating are hypoallergenic and nickel-free, making them safe for the skin. The collection includes earrings, cuffs, bracelets, and necklaces that complement your look.

Jools, @joolsjewelry.kg

Jools is a multi-brand store offering stylish jewelry for every occasion. Their range includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, rings, chokers, and scarves. Every piece from Jools will add elegance and a finishing touch to your outfit, making it bright and unique.

Go Noelson, @go_noelson

Go Noelson is a brand that creates stylish accessories. Their collection features hats, panamas, caps, and ushankas, perfect for walks and travel. Each item is handmade, guaranteeing uniqueness and quality.

TUMAR, @tumar_shop_kg

TUMAR is a local brand offering unique handmade items, including felt shoes, accessories, jewelry, textiles, ceramics, and traditional art pieces.

Tamler, @tamler_jewelry

Tamler is a brand known among Kyrgyz influencers for creating jewelry: rings, necklaces, pendants, and earrings. The pieces are made from high-quality materials, combining traditional techniques with modern design.

Birqyzyq Jer, @birqyzyq_jer

Birqyzyq Jer is a conceptual store offering stylish jewelry, clothing, long sleeves, accessories, and hair adornments. The brand provides pieces that emphasize individuality and create a harmonious look.

Pavla, @pavlakg

Pavla is a Bishkek-based brand specializing in hand-painted items. Their assortment includes bags, notebooks, and coasters decorated with unique designs.

Homeland, @homeland.brand

Homeland is a local brand offering stylish and comfortable clothing for both men and women. The store features not only sports and everyday suits but also jewelry, shoppers, and other accessories.

“Modny Dom”, @modniydom_kg

The “Modny Dom” showroom is the first local showroom showcasing collections by designers from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Here, you can find stylish clothing for any occasion, from bombers and blazers to jackets, dresses, and many other fashionable pieces.

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