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    Наши люди WE:

  • Наш Человек стремится создавать то, что улучшает жизнь людей

  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Recommend an inspiring person

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— as we know, Kazakhstan is located in the Central Asia. That’s why, as in many countries of this region, there is a rule to take off your shoes when you come home or to friends or relatives

— a very respectful guest is always invited to “torge”. “Tor” is the farthest seat next to the door and is dedicated for highly respectable people

— when you come to someone’s house, it’s a strict rule to try some food as it shows your respect to the house where you came in and to people who live there

— don’t be surprised if hosts put snacks, sweets, fruits and meat in a package and give it to you. You always have to take something from the host to give it to your family members at your home or to eat it later

— when men meet, it is customary to hold or shake hands and give a hug

— kazakhs give money for relatives and friends as a gift which symbolizes good intentions. There are such notions called “baigazy” — giving money for relatives and friends after they bought something, for example, car or new house or apartment, “korimdik” — money after meeting a daughter-in-law, child birth, “syuinshy” — when you share a good news, for example, when you first tell your friends about the childbirth of your common friend

— in some countries, young people may not be allowed to give place to old people because they could think as if it is some kind of disrespect but in Kazakhstan, people shows full respect to them. So, sometimes, it can be exactly opposite from your culture if you are a foreigner

— speaking about the food, people in Kazakhstan and in almost all post-Soviet countries, respect the bread, i.e. this product has to be on the table and you mustn’t play with it and throw it away or on the floor

— continuing this theme, most of the people prepare seven or nine “shelpek” every Friday. It is a fried crumpet which shows that you remember your close relatives who have passed away and it is believed that their spirit comes temporarily to your home after they feel the smell of fried butter

— kazakh people also have a special feeling about the tea. No matter what the weather is, even if it is very hot, most of the people, especially, grown-ups drink hot tea. In the South part of Kazakhstan, people fill their cup not fully at a time but in the North regions, people like to drink full cup of tea. And, what do people do in the east and the west? Undoubtedly, east or the west, tea is the best drink in Kazakhstan.

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