Asylkhan Akhmetzhanova, 65 years old, East Kazakhstan region, housewife
I got married in 1979 and moved from East Kazakhstan region to Almaty region to my husband. My daughters are journalists. The youngest got married first, then my son got married, and the eldest moved to Atyrau because of work. My husband and I wanted her to get married because we wanted to see her happy family.
One day she called to tell me she was getting married. I was so happy to hear that, and I was speechless. I wanted to know where he came from: maybe from Almaty, from Atyrau, she said he is a foreign national. It's surprised me even more. The daughter asked me to tell the news to father.
I did not know how my husband would react, but when I decided to say, I heard from him: «Great news». The husband said that it didn't matter what nationality is the groom because the main thing is that the daughter is happy. Children cannot be around all the time, so you need to accept her decision.
Children cannot be around all the time, so you need to accept her decision
When my daughter came with the groom, we were delighted to meet her and Edward. He was ready to meet us, and he was respectful. We did not feel discomfort or embarrassment — we met him as our own. We held a small celebration according to the traditions, and then they went to Atyrau.
Now, when we talk, we speak Russian and Kazakh languages. I am pleased to hear the Kazakh phrases in communication, the words «mum», «dad».
In marriage, the main thing is to appreciate each other. A woman is pleased when you taking care of her, cherish her. When that happens in the family, it's good.
Nationality does not affect marriage such when a husband and wife grow up in the same culture or can adopt each other's traditions. This is what happens in our family.
Shaiza Saduakasova, 71 years old, hometown — Karaganda, housewife
I have four children: two sons and two daughters. Both sons and the youngest daughter live with families and children. The first married the younger son. His wife is German.
My husband is Kazakh. And all other children live in Kazakh families. But so happened because of love and feelings, not beliefs about nationality. I think that the generation that was born in the 30-40s of the last century was influenced by the Soviet education when it was unimportant whether you were Kazakh or Russian — all had the same living conditions, common holidays, language.
Intermarriage does not cause me misunderstanding. For me, this is the same a marriage as any other. Nationality makes no difference, except that children who grow up in such families learn more about different cultures and traditions.
A happy family it is where is the mutual understanding and support
I know my grandchildren know a lot, Kazakh and German cultures as well. They celebrate Ayt and Easter, receive gifts for Christmas, New year, Nauryz. I think it's great they naturally get a lot of new knowledge.
With parents and relatives of the daughter-in-law, we meet on big holidays like anniversaries. It's always nice to discuss household chores, health, some news.
A happy family it is where is mutual understanding and support. It's great when the husband, wife and children are interested in each other's lives, participate and help. The nationality of a person does not mean as much as education, so it is worth paying more attention to it.
Kulzhian Inkarbekova, 54 years old, Omsk region, housewife
I have two daughters, they are both married: the younger one is married to an Arab from Jordan, and the older one is married to a guy from Mexico.
I have the same attitude to intermarriages as to any other marriages — positive. If young people love and respect each other, then why not. Why do we need looking at the nationality. It seems to me that children, who were born in such marriages grow up free from prejudices and stereotypes. They are open to the world, and they have a completely different outlook on life.
Children who were born in such marriages grow up free from prejudices and stereotypes
Our youngest daughter had a traditional Kazakh wedding, even though without betashar, kyz uzatu and other features. But there was beshbarmak, lots of guests and toast. And also many Arabic dances.
The eldest daughter and her husband decided not to do the wedding, and they signed up at the registry office and had a small party at home.
We are still only familiar with the family of the younger daughter's husband. In 2017, we all went to Jordan together, met the family and saw the country. And with our Mexican relatives, we will soon go to get acquainted. It's so great that now we have so many relatives in different parts of the world.
The secret of a happy family relationship for each family is different. But there is one common component — mutual respect. Nationality, it seems to me, is the last thing to look at when you are choosing a life partner. After all, belonging to a certain nation does not make a person better or worse, smarter or more educated.