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PhD student and Fulbrighter. How Kazakhstan students study at the top US university


PhD student and Fulbrighter. How Kazakhstan students study at the top US university

Indiana University is one of the largest research universities not only in the United States, but throughout the world. We talked with students from Kazakhstan about the admission process and the peculiarities of studying in it.

Dalyapraz Manatova, 29, PhD Student and Associate Instructor at Indiana University, linkedin

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About choosing a university

I applied to several universities, looking for a multidisciplinary program in the field of Computer Science. There are not many of them, so I sent applications to all top universities.

Indiana University had a friendly advisor. We immediately had a click — we understood each other well. So, when it came time to choose, I already knew I was going to Indiana.

About admission

Preparation for filing documents for a PhD should begin a year early. This is an important decision and a big commitment — for the next five years or more, you will have to work with one person, your leader. So, his choice must be approached consciously.

The Grad Cafe forum helps a lot. There you can learn about the experience of other people, gain insights and advice. You should not rely on standard ratings when choosing a PhD program, they are too general.

In Computer Science, there is a special ranking called CSRankings. It collects information about different professors and programs, universities, and scientific publications, and creates lists of the best in different fields. When choosing, you can use it.

In the package of documents, you should have the results of GRE, IELTS or TOEFL tests. It is desirable to have research experience in the field you are applying to. Recommendation letters are usually asked for three. It is best if they are written by people who can talk about you from different angles.

The Statement of Purpose is an important document that is different from a letter of motivation. It focuses on what you want to do, what you already know about it, and why you are interested in it.

Depending on the program, there may be interviews. I would get a call from a potential enquirer, asking about my interests and what I see myself as in the future. Sometimes there is another in-interview. It's for the potential student to get to know the university. It involves being invited to campus, paying for housing, and introducing you to the faculty. It's a cool opportunity that you should always take.

About the peculiarities of teaching

The university has a high ratio — number of PhD students for every teacher in a school. This is cool, because it gives an opportunity to work with different scientists on several projects.

In the U.S. PhDs are free. Usually, you are given a package for four or five years. But the timeline is free — if you continue your research, you will be sponsored and paid a stipend, which is enough for one person's life.

The university has a high ratio — number of PhD students for every teacher in a school

It is always necessary to write to professors with whom you want to work. There are situations when a famous professor with a large number of publications has already changed the field or gone into administration. Then you are likely to be rejected, as he will not have enough time.

About the atmosphere

Indiana University is located in a small town called college town. Here the entire infrastructure is built around the college town. That makes for a special vibe with a lot of international students around. Bachelors often have parties, and master's and doctoral students do joint research.

There are a lot of PhD students at the university. Many of them have become my friends and I can discuss anything with them. The atmosphere is friendly and people are always willing to help.

What I learned from university

You get to know yourself better during your PhD studies. You understand your limits. I learned to accept feedback. I used to be bad with criticism, but now I know that if there is no criticism, it means that you haven't developed. Feedback allows you to get better.

I would recommend Indiana University. It's a great school with a great atmosphere.

Moldir Orazbayeva, 28, Bloomington, is a full-time Kazakh language teacher, @mollchik


About the choice of university

I found the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant program on the platform of the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. Also, at Buketov Karaganda University there was a great Fulbright English and Chinese language teacher, Valerie Sartor. She inspired me to apply.

FLTA is one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world, given to one or two applicants a year. I'm glad that I got into this program. I now teach Kazakh at Indiana University and also take courses.

About admission

The admission and application process takes a long time. It took me about a year.

I can distinguish several stages. First, you apply. The application packet includes three essays on different topics. If successful, you get an invitation to an interview. Then there is a test of knowledge of the Kazakh language. It is conducted by professors of the top universities in the world. The next test is the English language test. In my case it was TOEFL.

About the peculiarities of teaching

The American education system is individual. There are no study groups like in Kazakhstan, it is every student for himself. You choose your own subject and professor, make your own syllabus and sit with different people for classes.

Professors enjoy working with fulbrighters

As a fullbrighter, I can take any course as a student. I am interested in linguistics and psycholinguistics.

Classes take place not only in the traditional in-person format, but also on the specialized Canvas platform. After pairs we do assignments and have discussions in this system. That way we are always involved in the discipline.

Professors enjoy working with fulbrighters. The lectures and practical sessions are rich, and the professors are available to answer any questions.

About the atmosphere

Indiana University has a welcoming atmosphere for both studying and having fun. Colleagues in the department are friendly and helpful. They often hold mini-lectures and workshops on different topics. The main qualities of my colleagues I can call punctuality, politeness and tactfulness.


I like to attend university soccer and basketball championships. Being in the thick of it and rooting for my teammates is an indescribable feeling.

There are a lot of different traditions and customs at the university. For example, at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester, faculty feasts are held. This is how professors are thanked for their hard work and motivated to achieve.

What I learned from university

University taught me to be completely independent and open to everything. So I can confidently recommend it to future applicants.

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