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Must-see cultural events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan


Must-see cultural events in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan

This article features the most exciting cultural events of the week in Central Asia, including festivals, concerts, and exhibitions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Discover the top happenings that will help you dive deeper into the region's culture.


Conference Rocket Conf 24: The Future of Fintech services and their transformation and integration

When: November 29

Where: Almaty

The conference is dedicated to the new generation of fintech services and the transformation of the banking industry.

QARA Forum 2024

When: November 30-December 1

Where: Astana

QARA Forum 2024 is a creative industries forum featuring over 25 local and international speakers.

Exhibition "Reflections of time"

When: November 2-January 5

Where: Astana

Kamil Mullashev is one of Kazakhstan's most prominent contemporary artists. In his paintings he addresses modern reality, but he is also interested in the historical past, mythical and historical characters, the world of nature and the eternal theme of motherhood.

Ice show “Tales of Evgeni Plushenko”

When and where: November 30, Astana

When and where: December 1, Almaty

Where: Astana

You will experience bright moments from famous fairy tales: “The Nutcracker”, “Cinderella” and “the Beautiful Prince”, “Little Red Riding Hood”. Enjoy excerpts from “Swan Lake” and “The Little Mermaid”.

The show features figure skating stars: Evgeni Plushenko, Alexandra Trusova, Dmitri Aliyev, Alena Kostornaia, Georgy Kunitsa, Makar Ignatov, and Alexander Plushenko.

Exhibition "The image of the era in the palette of Nagimbek Nurmukhammedov"

When: November 13-December 8

Where: Astana

Nagimbek Nurmuhammedov is an outstanding representative of Kazakh fine arts, an artist who has made a significant contribution to the development of our national culture. In his works, the artist masterfully depicts the spiritual world of the people, everyday life and historical events. His paintings emphasize the value of labor as the basis of life, and through his work one can see a deep respect for the working people, as well as feel the spirit of the era.

Evening of songs by the composer Kaldybek Kurmanali

When: November 30

Where: Almaty

An evening of music in honor of the 35th anniversary of the creative work of the Honored Figure of Kazakhstan, virtuoso composer, and author of great musical works — Kaldybek Kurmanali!

A concert program titled "Therapy for the Soul" by Bagzhan Oktyabr

When: November 25-26

Where: Almaty

One of the most recognizable cellists, Bagzhan Oktyabr will perform with an updated program "Therapy for the Soul," accompanied by a chamber orchestra.


Concert of soundtracks from legendary films

When: November 27

Where: Bishkek

An unforgettable evening where iconic melodies from beloved movies, TV shows, and games come to life through the performance of talented musicians on various instruments.

The concert "Masterpieces of world classical music"

When: November 27

Where: Bishkek

The evening's program includes outstanding works by Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Bach, Einaudi, and other great composers. This evening will offer an unforgettable orchestral sound that unites eras and cultures.


Human Capital Days

When: November 28

Where: Tashkent

HCD 2024 is an international platform that brings together practitioners and analysts in the fields of human resources policy, recruitment, and personnel development.

FINNEXT Asia 2024

When: November 28

Where: Tashkent

The FINNEXT Asia 2024 International Forum on Financial Innovations focuses on the strategic directions for the development of banking, payment systems, and fintech in Uzbekistan and Central Asia for 2024-2025.

Solo concert of DJ King Macarella

When: November 30

Where: Tashkent

The artist will present a completely new program inspired by Uzbek culture. Part of the performance will be a collaboration with the Bravo Symphony Orchestra, whose live sound will add depth and power to the original tracks, filled with national flavor.

The ballet program "Dances of the peoples of the world"

When: November 30

Where: Tashkent

The Igor Moiseyev State Academic Ensemble of Popular Dance, globally known as the "Igor Moiseyev Ballet", will present its famous program in Tashkent.


Digital Tajikistan

When: November 26

Where: Dushanbe

The Digital Tajikistan International Forum addresses the current state and issues of digitizing retail financial services and the retail industry in Tajikistan.

An evening of Bollywood cinematic music

When: November 29-30

Where: Dushanbe

For the first time, music from Bollywood films will be performed by a Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Maestro Azamkhon Akhmedov from the The State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi. The stage will feature soloists from the theater, and several vocal performances will be presented by the stunning and beloved duet of the honored artists of Tajikistan, Nozii and Muhammad Rafi Karomatullo.


Baku TET Forum 2024

When: November 26

Where: Baku

The Baku TET Forum 2024 will take place for the first time among Turkic-speaking countries. The forum aims to explore import and export opportunities, integrate brands into the international environment, develop commercial ties, and attract foreign investments.

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