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40 events in September in Central Asia: concerts, forums, and business events


40 events in September in Central Asia: concerts, forums, and business events

Festivals, conferences, concerts, and other unique events to add to your calendar in September. We've curated a selection of the coolest events just for you.


Women ICT Frontier Training

When: September 3-5

Where: Astana

Empowering women entrepreneurs through digital transformation.

Baiqonyr Film Festival

When: September 3-8

Where: Almaty

A unique cultural event in Kazakhstan, introducing the works of young filmmakers from CIS countries, the Baltics, and Georgia. It serves as a launchpad for the creative "takeoff" of its participants.

Digital Wave Forum

When: September 5

Where: Almaty

Central Asian Advertising Association's conference for digital specialists in the advertising and media industry.

Astana Finance Days

When: September 5-6

Where: Astana

Annual financial conference hosted by AIFC with discussions, networking, and presentations from leading experts in the financial sector.

FCBK 2024

When: September 6

Where: Almaty

Focused on the development and digitalization of SMEs.

Yandex Park Live

When: September 6-8

Where: Almaty

A new festival culture attraction in Central Asia with a stunning lineup of artists.

World Nomad Games

When: September 8-13

Where: Astana

International sports competition in ethnic sports, based on the traditional games of nomadic peoples.

Parks, Squares and Alleys Concert

When: September 10

Where: Astana

Dream-pop and shoegaze project led by Sergey Khavro, touring Central Asia for the first time.

KazHackStan 2024

When: September 11-13

Where: Almaty

The largest hacker conference in Central Asia.

Dimash Kudaibergen Concert

When: September 13

Where: Astana

Kazakhstan's brightest star performing live.


When: September 14-15

Where: Almaty

A cultural event that unites book lovers every year.

Tattoo United Fest

When: September 14-15

Where: Almaty

A festival featuring over 100 top tattoo artists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Romantic Fest

When: September 15

Where: Astana

A unique celebration organized by a network of flower shops.

Xzibit Concert

When: September 16

Where: Almaty

Xzibit performs live in Almaty as part of his September tour.

Mahmut Orhan Audio-Visual Show

When: September 18

Where: Almaty

The Turkish DJ brings his new audio-visual show to Almaty.

Eurasian Mobile Summit 2024

When: September 20

Where: Almaty

An annual tech conference bringing together industry leaders and innovators.


When: September 21

Where: Astana

A family festival of science, art, and technology.


When: September 21-22

Where: Astana

A platform for sharing powerful ideas.

Jolbors Festival

When: September 21-22

Where: Almaty

The 13th Central Asian creative communications festival.

Stand-Up by Evgeny Chebatkov "With All Due Respect"

When: September 22

Where: Astana

An evening of witty humor and unique delivery.

World Association of Lesson Studies

When: September 24-26

Where: Astana

The 18th International Conference for lesson studies.

Kazakhstan Legal Forum

When: September 26-27

Where: Almaty

Kazakhstan's leading legal forum, held offline with 80+ speakers and 400+ participants.

Health Business Forum

When: September 27

Where: Almaty

A platform for sharing best practices in the healthcare business.


Tyga Concert

When: September 6

Where: Tashkent

The American rapper performs live in Tashkent.

Teplo Festival

When: September 7-8

Where: Tashkent

Features a market, music, food court, lectures, workshops, games, and a reading corner.

Parks, Squares and Alleys Concert

When: September 11

Where: Tashkent

The band performs in Tashkent.

Cinema Love Festival

When: September 13-22

Where: Tashkent

A festival for film enthusiasts focused on Central Asia.

Machete Concert

When: September 15

Where: Tashkent

A performance by the band Machete.

ICT Week Uzbekistan

When: September 17-20

Where: Tashkent

An annual event dedicated to information technology.

Mahmut Orhan Audio-Visual Show

When: September 20

Where: Tashkent

Turkish DJ Mahmut Orhan's new audio-visual show.


NILO Solo Concert

When: September 7

Where: Bishkek

An evening with the singer-songwriter NILO.

Freedom Valley Fest 2024

When: September 7

Where: Bishkek

A vibrant musical festival.

Startup Nation Hackathon

When: September 14-16

Where: Bishkek

An opportunity for young entrepreneurs to gain support and attention from investors.

Parks, Squares and Alleys Concert

When: September 15

Where: Bishkek

The band performs in Bishkek.

Yntymak Week

When: September 16-20

Where: Bishkek

A week focused on peace-building voices.

Mahmut Orhan Audio-Visual Show

When: September 19

Where: Bishkek

A significant event for electronic music fans.

Site-Specific Theatre Festival "Place-Action"

When: September 20, 29

Where: Bishkek

12 performances scattered throughout the city.

DevFest Bishkek 2024

When: September 29

Where: Bishkek

A local IT conference by Google Developer Groups.


Formula 1

When: September 15

Where: Baku

An exhilarating race on a unique urban track.

Stand-Up by Evgeny Chebatkov "With All Due Respect"

When: September 20

Where: Baku

An evening of sharp humor and life observations.

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