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New Year’s events in Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe, and Tashkent on December 31


New Year’s events in Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe, and Tashkent on December 31

On December 31, vibrant New Year’s city events will take place in the capitals of Central Asia. Read on for more details.


праздничные мероприятия Астана

Astana is ready for the New Year celebrations.

On December 18, more than 30 New Year trees were lit up across the city. The tallest trees are located near the “Astana Arena” stadium and in the square by the "Qazaq eli" monument. Children’s ice rinks and slides are also open.

On December 31, residents and visitors of the capital will be treated to a fireworks display.


праздничные мероприятия Алматы

Almaty has also been transformed. The city has installed about 300 bright structures depicting fairy-tale characters, and updated 120 small architectural forms, creating a magical atmosphere for residents and guests of the metropolis.

The New Year’s fireworks in Almaty will begin exactly at midnight on December 31, 2024, leading into January 1, 2025. The main venue for the fireworks will be “Astana” Square.


праздничные мероприятия Бишкек

In Bishkek’s Ala-Too Square, visitors can immerse themselves in a true New Year’s atmosphere.

From December 14 to January 12, Bishkek is hosting the "Northern Lights" fair. Guests will enjoy an open ice rink, houses of Aiaz Ata and Santa Claus, children’s workshops, a food court with diverse street food, and fairy-tale decorations.

Visitors can skate with friends and family, create unique gifts at workshops, enjoy delicious treats, and sip aromatic mulled wine.


праздничные мероприятия Душанбе

In all four districts of Dushanbe, cultural New Year’s events will begin on December 29. The main festivities will take place on the night of December 31.

The city is already decorated for the holiday, with bright decorations in all districts, and the main New Year tree stands tall in Istiklol Square.

New Year’s markets have opened, where locals can purchase products at affordable prices. The markets will be open until December 31 at the following locations: “Sakhovat” market, “Mehrgon” market, the area near the “Kuruši Kabir” park, and the parking lot near the SINO district government.


In Tashkent, the installation of New Year trees has already started. The main tree is located in the square in front of the Alisher Navoi National Library and will be open for visits from December 25 to January 10.

Festivities will take place daily in all districts of Tashkent from December 25 to January 10. The full schedule and locations are available via this link: Tashkent Events.

The Tashkent City Mall has launched the pre-New Year campaign “Muhtasham Mavsum.” Guests can enjoy events, themed photo zones, fairs, workshops, and festive shows. From December 25, the program includes fairy-tale performances with Ded Moroz — Father Frost and Snegurochka — Snow Maiden, drumming shows, dance team performances, musical evenings, and discos.

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New Year’s events in Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe, and Tashkent on December 31
New Year’s events in Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe, and Tashkent on December 31
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