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Kazakhstan as the center of Central Asia: 9 advantages of living in the country


Kazakhstan as the center of Central Asia: 9 advantages of living in the country

The largest country by territory


Kazakhstan located between Europe and Southeast Asia, Siberia, and the Middle East. The country is in the center of the continent of Eurasia and occupies the ninth place in the world by area — 2,724,900 square kilometers.

Country with the most natural resources


Kazakhstan is the second-largest country with reserves of uranium, chromium, lead, and zinc, the third by reserves of manganese, the fifth by reserves of copper, in the top ten by reserves of coal, iron, and gold.

The country ranks 11th in terms of proven oil and natural gas reserves.

The largest space center

Baikonur translated as “rich valley” is the world's largest space center. In international satellite directories, it is designated as the Tyuratam Missile and Space Complex. It provides access to advanced technologies in the global space industry. It is assumed that cooperation with NASA, SpaceX, the European Space Agency, with Chinese or Indian space programs will be productive for Kazakhstan.

The first man, the Soviet Buran spacecraft, and the Mir space station were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The leader in the level of development and capacity of the economy

Kazakhstan is the first former Soviet Republic to repay its debt to the International Monetary Fund seven years ahead of schedule. Major foreign banks like RBS, Citibank, and HSBC, Kookmin, and UniCredit have branches in Kazakhstan, acquired, and created stakes in the country. The country is ranked 39th in the 2020 economic freedom index by the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation.

Developed infrastructure


Railways cover 68% of all freight and passenger traffic in more than 57% of the country's area. The main railway carrier in the country is Kazakhstan Temir Zholy.

Almaty has a metro system with a length of 11.3 km, and the metro in Nur-Sultan is under construction.

The leader in attracting investments


Kazakhstan has attracted $330 billion of foreign investment from 120 countries. According to the US State Department, the country considered having the best investment climate in the region. Foreign direct investment plays a more important role in the national economy than in most other former Soviet republics.

According to EY 2014 research, investor confidence in Kazakhstan's potential is at an all-time high.

Internet access

Half of humanity does not have access to the Internet. In Kazakhstan, more than 80% of the population has access to the Internet. 92.88% of schools have broadband Internet access.

Many entrepreneurs


As of January 1, 2020, the number of registered small and medium-sized businesses was 1.6 million.

By the beginning of 2019, 999.7 thousand individual entrepreneurs were registered in Kazakhstan. In Almaty — 196.4 thousand people and Nur-Sultan — 121 thousand people, in the East Kazakhstan region — 113.9 thousand people.

The leader on the volume of the foreign trade

Kazakhstan's main export commodity is oil. In second place in terms of foreign trade are quite industrially developed Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The lowest volumes of foreign trade are observed in countries with fewer developed industries and economies in the region: Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Photo source: @evgeny_kz

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