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Jordanian stories: how different is our culture from Jordan's


Jordanian stories: how different is our culture from Jordan's

Issa Alfaqieh, 26 years old, civil and construction engineer


I have left Kazakhstan a month ago, but I lived there for exactly a year. I was working in Abu Dhabi Plaza. I really loved living there, I love it to the point that I wish I could find a job there to go back. And I met my wife there, so of course I loved being there.

About similarities

To be honest, there are many things in common between Kazakh and Jordanian people; maybe the thing we have most in common is hospitality. The people I met in Kazakhstan were so hospitable and helpful, they would offer help to anything I might face, and that is a great thing. I like how people in Kazakhstan oblige to the driving laws, that one of the things I like the most.

About differences

The difference I saw is that the Kazakh people read more, and that made me happy actually. Whenever I'm in a mall and go tothe library, I find a lot of people there buying books, in Jordan it's not that common, I mean of course we have a lot of people who read but I don't think it's as much as I noticed in Kazakhstan, well at least in Astana.

Another thing is the lifestyle itself, people in Kazakhstan are more liberal, they have a lifestyle that is close to the western lifestyle. I am talking about what I noticed in Astana because I have only been there. Whereas in Jordan it is more conservative in general, like people in Astana just love going to bars and clubs, enjoying their weekend.

Al Muthana Mufleh Abbadi, Amman, 26 years old, general practitioner and event host


I studied at a medical University in Kazakhstan for five years. Before Kazakhstan, I studied in Ukraine in Donetsk city, but because the war started there, I moved to an university in Almaty. I speak Russian very well.

About first impressions

The first impression when I have arrived to Ukraine is fear. I realized that I would live there without my parents, alone. I did not know Russian then, it was very strange. I was afraid to communicate with people; many of them did not know English. Then I decided to go to Russian language course at the University. In general, there is a different mentality, people think and live differently. In Jordan, you can notice a combination of two cultures — European and Arab. However, in Russian-speaking countries everything is different.

It was easier in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs are very hospitable andfriendly. This aroused interest. After first week being there, I already had many friends.

About similarities

Both Kazakhs and Jordanians are similar in hospitality. We must show our guests that they are welcome. We also value traditions and customs. The Jordanians, as well as the Kazakhs, have many relatives ready to help. People there also think about the future, they always want to do something, for example, build a business or get an education. What I have noticed is that people in Kazakhstan love holidays very much.

If we talk about something that does not similar. First of all, probably, food and lifestyle. For example, many Kazakhs have a negative attitude to smoking, otherwise In Jordan almost everyone smokes.


What could we learn

There is also a lot that could be learned from Kazakhs, and vice versa. For example, platforms where youth from versatile backgrounds can connect and develop a network. The planning and implementation to build Nur-Sultan with great detailing in short time. Kazakh society is open internally which makes people are interested to go or move to the western world. However, in Jordan, we have a more open relationship with the western world and culture.

From Jordan to Kazakhstan I would recommend borrowing the way that hospitals and healthcare works. That we connect with people very fast regardless of knowledge of each other. In addition, I want to say about tourism. In Kazakhstan, there are so many beautiful and amazing places that can be promoted as a tourism side. There are many places that have natural beauty and history that should be more promoted.

Saif Abu-Rumman, 20 years old, Amman, student


I moved to Kazakhstan, Almaty recently, six months ago which I do not really regret, I came here to study at University “KazNMU”. I am still a fresh medical foreign student.

About first impressions

Well to be honest I did not know much about Kazakhstan, so firstly it was my father’s idea because he has some friends here in Almaty and Astana, who suggested to my father to get me here. So when my dad told me about that I kept googling more about Kazakhstan and trying to know more. I read that there are the good and bad things here. My university is just a medical one, which something rare to find anywhere else. I liked the nature, old buildings with modern streets, it seemed somehow more likely European, and the people were amazing I even met four friends from the first day, which took me to places. So my very first impression was nice I loved the city.

About difficulties

I don’t know if it’s considered as a one of the difficulties, but the thing that shocked me the most was how cold this country can be, and proved to me that every jacket I already had with me is not worth, I threw them off.

About similarities

I will mention some strange points, but those what I have noticed. People in Jordan and in Kazakhstan drink tea a lot. People in both countries have jealous men of their women and care about them which is actually an old mutual stereotype.They are mostly late an hour on their meetings or scheduled things so I did not find any problem when I could still be late here too. We both eat heavy food.


About differences

Prices in Jordan are the way much higher in almost everything except restaurants here are much pricey. In Amman, you might find many fancy new cars, and that is what matters the most to them. However, in Almaty I always notice the newest iPhone with almost everyone.

In Jordan, I myself do not really mind if I wanted to go grab some coffee or something from the supermarket, I would go with pajamas or sweatpants. Here in Almaty I honestly did it in the first but not anymore. It seems like it is necessary to wear the best of what you have wherever you want to go.

In Jordan, we can smoke everywhere inside most of the restaurants or cafes, even in the streets like literally everywhere. it is not something I am proud of. In Kazakhstan the police are very strict about smoking in anywhere except smoking areas, which is something really good and healthier.

What could we learn

From Kazakhstan to Jordan is the traffic system. I like that there are many taxis in Almaty.

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