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7 places in Tashkent where you can meet the most fashionable and creative city dwellers
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7 places in Tashkent where you can meet the most fashionable and creative city dwellers

Bars, conceptual spaces, and establishments. A selection of cool and trendy places in Tashkent is worth your attention.

Teplo Store, @teplostore_2022

тепло арт пространство

Teplo Store is a project of Charos Kamalova, which has been supporting local brands since 2018.

The space brings together about 70 brands. These are clothes, jewellery, home products, accessories, products for children, and much more. In addition, the Teplo Store has an area for workshops and warm gatherings. Festivals and markets are held once every few months, and the most fashionable citizens spend time there.

Gravity Bar, @gravitybar.tashkent

гравити бар ташкент

Gravity Bar is relatively young, but is already a landmark and cult place in the city. It is located on the fifth floor of the Sapiens Hotel.

The format of the project is a club bar, where you can get in only with a resident, who must be a member of a closed Telegram channel. Gravity Bar gained its particular popularity due to its unique concept.

Maqom, @maqom_bar

A restobar where active life! Local Influencers are attracted by the interior and general atmosphere of the place — the picturesque art style echoes Uzbek painting on the ceilings.

Masterclasses, musical evenings, and more are held here.

Benedict, @benedict_cafe_tashkent

Where to eat the most delicious breakfasts and take the most Instagram-worthy morning photos? Right here. The city café Benedict received a Meal&Drinks Choice Award, among other merits.

The institution offers its visitors favorite dishes, hits of different cuisines of the world, delicious coffee, and a cozy atmosphere.

Takahuli, @tkh.uz

такахули ташкент

A new urban Georgian institution of bistro format. Takahuli often hosts a variety of parties and speakers. For example, DJ Legroni recently delighted the venue's visitors with a cool line-up during a regular event.

Good girl, @xdevochka.uz

Good Girl is a new project of Sun Group restaurant, holding a modern view of gastronomy and popular trends.

The restaurant combines features of fast casual and fine dining. The menu is characterized by exquisite serving and a variety of dishes, and calm pastel shades characterize the design. The city's best DJs perform here on weekends, and themed parties are planned.

Dildora Kasimova flagship store, @dildorakasimova

At the end of last year, Uzbek designer Dildora Kasimova opened a flagship store of her brand. Here, customers can immerse themselves in the world of fashion and unique style.

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