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Tunduk, Gettik, and 8 more useful apps for comfortable living in Kyrgyzstan


Tunduk, Gettik, and 8 more useful apps for comfortable living in Kyrgyzstan

10 Kyrgyz apps for sports, transportation, and other services that will significantly ease your life in Kyrgyzstan and beyond.

NB FIT, @nbfit_online

An online workout platform tailored to the specific needs of women's health. Over 18 000 women from 76 countries maintain a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, train safely during pregnancy, and recover after childbirth through the unique program of Nurilya Barpiyeva with NB FIT.

Tazar App, @tazar.app

This app features a map of recycling points across Kyrgyzstan and allows users to request pickup for specific categories of waste. Tazar App helps users properly sort waste, arrange its disposal, and reduce the amount of waste generated.

Mashina.kg, @mashina_kg_official

The most popular platform for buying and selling cars in Kyrgyzstan. Users no longer need to spend all day at a physical car market with limited space and time — Mashina.kg is an online car marketplace that's always at hand and without restrictions.

Finik, @finik.pay

The unique feature of the Finik e-wallet is its zero commission on all services, except for government services, for the entire duration. This domestic IT company supports the country's strategic goals by creating IT financial solutions and transitioning the market to a cashless payment system.

Gettik, @gettikapp

Gettik is a platform for finding affordable rides and verified travel companions. It connects drivers and passengers, allowing for safe travel and cost-sharing.

House.kg, @house_kg

House.kg is an online service for buying and renting real estate in Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan. The platform helps users find or lease apartments, houses, and offices throughout the country. It offers the best deals, including listings from both owners and real estate agencies.

Asman Airlines, @asmanair.kg

Asman Airlines is a new subsidiary of Manas International Airport that launched the first domestic app for buying affordable tickets to all airports in Kyrgyzstan. The app is available for download on Google Play and the Apple Store.

FitJab, @fitjab.io

The world's first Muslim fitness app for women, with a user-friendly interface. It offers effective exercises designed by professional fitness instructors that can be performed independently at home.


The Tunduk mobile app provides quick and easy access to government e-services. It has become part of the digital governance ecosystem of the Kyrgyz Republic, based on the State Portal portal.tunduk.kg. The app allows users to access services online.

My City Bishkek

"My City Bishkek" is the official city app. It includes the ability to track the location of public transport. In the future, it plans to add city news and a section for discussing municipal projects.

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