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14 useful apps for visitors and residents of Uzbekistan: from transport to food delivery


14 useful apps for visitors and residents of Uzbekistan: from transport to food delivery

Uzbekistan is becoming more digital every day, with new apps and services gradually emerging to make life easier for ordinary residents and to provide convenience for visitors adapting to the country. We’ve reviewed several useful apps that can help you in one way or another.


Yandex Go

Yandex is a major transportation service in Uzbekistan. You can travel to any point in the city at very low prices.


An app providing bus schedules and routes. It is very popular among residents of Tashkent.

Online banking apps

Uzbekistan offers a wide variety of apps for online money transfers, allowing users to choose the one that best suits their preferences. The most popular options include Paynet, Click, PayMe, Uzum Bank, and Alif Mobi.

Food delivery

Uzum Tezkor

Uzum is a well-known company active in various sectors, and its Tezkor service allows users to order food conveniently from home.

Yandex Eats

A leader in the food delivery industry, offering access to thousands of restaurants and a vast selection of dishes.

Scooter, bike, and power bank rentals


The first company to enter this niche, JET is the most popular app for renting scooters.


A startup from Uzbekistan that offers power bank rentals. Power bank kiosks can be found in almost every venue and metro station in Tashkent. They also provide bike rentals.


Uzum Market

The most popular marketplace in Uzbekistan. In just two years, nearly every resident has used it to order something.


The leading platform for buying and selling second-hand goods.

Maps and navigation

Yandex Maps

Another project by Yandex, providing information about venues and locations in cities.

Google Maps

Google's mapping service includes all essential navigation features.


An app that offers transport information, reviews of establishments, and ratings.

Government services


A unified portal for government services, enabling users to submit applications and perform tasks online.


The official tax portal of Uzbekistan, where users can process cashback for purchases and handle tax-related services.

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