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10 best restaurants in Dushanbe: where to go with friends, family, or colleagues


10 best restaurants in Dushanbe: where to go with friends, family, or colleagues

Dushanbe is home to numerous restaurants and venues where you can enjoy great food and spend quality time. Here is a list of the city's top spots to visit.

Latina @latina.dushanbe

Restaurant with a unique atmosphere, beautiful interior, and exterior. Latina is located by the lake, making it a memorable and extraordinary place to visit. It is perfect for those who appreciate vibrant experiences.

Gusht @gusht.rest

A cozy rooftop restaurant with a terrace and panoramic city views. This spot is ideal for meat lovers. Its friendly atmosphere makes Gusht a great choice for evening dinners.

Hua @hua.dushanbe

Luxurious Chinese-Japanese restaurant with an exquisite interior that impresses every guest. Hua is the perfect place to enjoy a refined and elegant setting.

Osteria Mario | Shvili @mario_shvilli_dushanbe

Georgian-Italian restaurant popular among entrepreneurs and ideal for business meetings. Located in the city center, it offers a warm and inviting atmosphere.

IL Patio @ilpatio_dushanbe

Restaurant with a cozy atmosphere near the city center. IL Patio is a great place to spend time with family or close friends.

Anzur @anzur.rest

Restaurant with an elegant interior, VIP rooms, and karaoke. Although Anzur is slightly farther than other locations on this list, it is easy to reach, and its ambiance makes it a unique destination.

Sultanbey @sultanbey.tj

Delightful Turkish restaurant with a bright interior. Sultanbey offers a corner of Turkey in Dushanbe for its guests.

Kaya @kaya_dushanbe

Korean cuisine restaurant loved by fans of Korean culture. Its cozy atmosphere and original interior make Kaya a place you’ll want to return to again and again.

Bano @bano_dushanbe

Iranian cuisine restaurant with an authentic atmosphere, offering a welcoming environment and delicious dishes.

CZN Burak @cznburaktajikistan

Turkish restaurant by a famous chef that has won the hearts of locals with its flavorful dishes.

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