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When it comes to vacation, we mostly think about foreign destinations. But in Kazakhstan there are plenty of places where you can go for a fascinating journey. Here are amazing destinations which you haven’t even thought about! We hope that this article will help you choose the next travel destination.

Lake Kaindy


The lake is in Kungei Alatau at an altitude of 1,867 meters above sea level amidst a dense coniferous forest. The distance from Almaty to Kaindy is about 280 kilometers, it takes up to 5 hours to get there. Lake Kaindy was formed in 1911 as a result of an earthquake that caused a landslide overlapping the gorge. The water flooded the gorge, and coniferous trees were flooded, but not completely. The water is very cold, and trees are clearly visible through clear water. The lake is surrounded by rocks and untouched nature, which makes it quite inaccessible to many tourists.

Charyn Canyon


Everyone knows the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA, but you do not need to buy a ticket to America to see such beauty. Just in 3 hours from Almaty is the Charyn Canyon, which is not inferior to the beauty of its western counterpart. This canyon is a natural monument, built of sedimentary rocks, their age is about 12 million years. Tourists can get interested by so-called Valley of Castles.

The peninsula of Mangistau


This place will be especially liked by lovers of extreme driving by car, as all significant sights are far away. Mangistau is not only about a desert and the scorching sun, but also about stunning monuments of culture and nature. Mandatory to visit: Karnysharyk Basin - its bottom is covered by Kenderli plum, the longest in the Mangistau region; underground mosque Becket-Ata; Mount Sherkala; underground mausoleum of Sultan-Epe; underground mausoleum of Shopan-Ata; The Caspian coast.

The Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

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Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi is in ​​Turkestan, South Kazakhstan. It is a unique monument of the past of the Kazakh people. The memorial complex of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi consists of a huge, rectangular building with portals and domes. Today tourists and pilgrims from all over the world come to Turkestan to see this incomparable masterpiece of medieval architecture.

Lake Alakol

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A salt drainage lake, located on the border of Almaty and East Kazakhstan regions. To the south-east of the lake is the Dzungarian Gate. The water in the lake is known for its healing. The beach is covered with medicinal black pebbles. The swimming season on Alakol opens in mid-June. You can live in a pleasant boarding house or rest "savage".

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