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5 most famous and talented poets of Turkmenistan


5 most famous and talented poets of Turkmenistan

Here are some of the most influential thinkers and scholars from Turkmenistan who have had a profound impact on the country's culture.

Dovletmammed Azadi

A Turkmen poet, scholar, and Sufi, Dovletmammed Azadi was born into a peasant family and worked as a farmer and teacher in a mekteb (school). His most famous work is the didactic poem Vaghzy Azat or The Sermon of Azadi. In honor of Azadi, the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages is named after him.

Makhtumkuli Pyragy

A poet and Sufi, and the son of Dovletmammed Azadi, Makhtumkuli Pyragy is one of the greatest thinkers of Turkmenistan. His works are deeply infused with humanism and patriotism, emphasizing the importance of education and science. His poetry remains popular in Turkmen families.

Nurmukhammed-Garib Andalyb

A poet, historian, translator, and philosopher, Nurmukhammed-Garib Andalyb was also involved in agriculture and carpentry. He wrote in a simple, accessible Turkmen language. His well-known works include Yusuf and Zuleikha and Layla and Majnun. In his honor, a street in Ashgabat is named after him, and a bust has been installed in Dashoguz.


A Turkmen poet whose real name was Mametveli, Kemine is known for his satirical works that depict the social contradictions of society. His play Kemine and the Judge was the first Turkmen comic opera. Streets and monuments in Turkmenistan are named in his honor.

Abdysetdar Kazi

A poet from the second half of the 19th century, Abdysetdar Kazi studied at a madrassa and served as a Sharia judge in Khiva. He is the author of the poem Zhennama, dedicated to the heroism of the Turkmen in the war against Persian invaders, with descriptions of battles near Kara-Kala and Merv. His work has been translated into Russian.

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