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Where to travel in Tajikistan: nature reserves of the country


Where to travel in Tajikistan: nature reserves of the country

Tajikistan is a country with unique nature and rich biodiversity, attracting eco-tourism enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. Here is a list of reserves that are a must-visit.

Romit Nature Reserve

The Romit State Nature Reserve is a unique haven of wildlife in Tajikistan, covering an area of 16 200 hectares. It was established in 1959 by a decree of the government of the Tajik SSR. Located in the mountains of the Gissar Range, at altitudes ranging from 1200 to 3800 meters above sea level, the reserve is home to rare animal species, such as the snow leopard, brown bear, and ibex, as well as many endemic plant species. The reserve is also famous for its thermal springs and picturesque gorges, attracting tourists throughout the year.

Dashti Jum Reserve

The Dashti Jum State Nature Reserve is situated on the southern slopes of the Darvaz Range, in the Shamsiddin Shohin district of the Khatlon region. Established in 1983, it protects rare and endangered species, including the markhor — screw-horned goat and the Central Asian mouflon. The reserve encompasses diverse ecosystems — from forests to alpine meadows — providing ideal habitats for various species of flora and fauna. It is also a significant site for ornithologists, where rare birds of prey such as the bearded vulture and the saker falcon can be spotted.

Shirkent Historical-Nature Park

The Shirkent Historical-Nature Park, located in the valley of the Shirkent River on the southern slopes of the Gissar Range, is a unique natural area. The park is naturally bounded by the Mechetli Ridge to the north, watershed divides with the Obizarang and Karatag rivers to the west and east, and the village of Shirkent to the south. The park is particularly appealing to paleontology and geology enthusiasts, as it features dinosaur tracks dating back to the Jurassic period.

Tajik National Park

The Tajik National Park covers more than 2.5 million hectares in the eastern part of the country and is located at the heart of the so-called "Pamir Knot," where some of the highest mountain ranges on the Eurasian continent converge. The park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2013 due to its unique ecosystem and high-altitude landscapes. It is an ideal place for trekking and mountaineering, with its glaciers, high-altitude lakes, and deep gorges.

Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve

The Tigrovaya Balka Reserve, located in the Khatlon region, is one of the last untouched tugai forest zones in Central Asia. Covering over 49,000 hectares, it is home to rare plant species and animals like white partridges, pheasants, tugai cats, and gazelles. Tigrovaya Balka is also one of the last habitats of the Bukhara deer, an endangered species.

Zorkul State Nature Reserve

Zorkul is a unique high-altitude lake situated on the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, at an altitude of about 4100 meters above sea level. The lake is the source of the Pamir River, which later becomes the Amu Darya, one of Central Asia's largest rivers. The lake's shores are home to rare bird species, such as the migratory eagle and the black stork. The lake and its surroundings are also a vital migration route for wild animals, including argali and snow leopards.

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