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Where to study in Tashkent. 10 private schools with the best conditions for a child


Where to study in Tashkent. 10 private schools with the best conditions for a child

Read our material to find the right school for your child in Tashkent.

COOL KIDS, @cool_kids_uz

A young and rapidly developing private school in the city of Tashkent. School-garden COOL KIDS is a center for the development of creative, intellectual and sports abilities of the child.

There are optional classes in chess, sports, dance, English, Chinese, and French, fine arts.

Artel Technical School, @artel_technical_school

The school presents a modern system of education, which has no analogues in Uzbekistan. The technical educational institution accepts children from 6 to 15 years old from the first to the ninth grades.

Wise School, @wiseschooltashkent

Wise School is not only a general education program, but also the development of intellectual, creative and physical skills of children outside of school hours.

Wise School has a five-day school week for primary grades and a six-day school week for secondary grades. Teaching is in the first half of the day with extracurricular education in the second half of the day.

Leader, @leadertashkent

At school, students not only gain knowledge, but also learn to systematize and integrate it in real life, find ways to solve various situations, become responsible and independent leaders capable of leading a team.

Wunderkind Study, @wunderkindstudy_uz

This is a school with advanced study of English language and information technology. The teaching staff consists of experienced highly qualified personnel whose main characteristic is a thoughtful and positive attitude towards children and the profession.

Evrika, @evrikashkola

Studying at Evrika is based on the latest methods. The school adapts the pedagogical program to each child. Throughout the year students are involved in research, project and scientific activities.

Little Harvard

The kindergarten-school actively and successfully provides children from one and a half to 17 years of age with knowledge, skills and abilities according to the requirements of the state standard.

Smart school, @smartschool.uz

A school with a program from 1st to 10th grade with a focus on math and in-depth study of English and German languages. Smart school aims to develop self-confidence, adaptability and problem-solving skills in each student.

Oriental school of Tashkent, @oriental_school_of_tashkent

Oriental school of Tashkent is an ideal place for talented children to develop their abilities. The school provides quality education and offers a wide range of additional subjects and daily sports activities.

HUMO School Academy, @humo_school_academy

Education in HUMO School Academy is based on the Cambridge International School. This gives the opportunity to easily enter the best international universities. Students can choose the hobby of their choice from chess to gymnastics.

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