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Where to eat delicious kurutob in Dushanbe: 11 best places


Where to eat delicious kurutob in Dushanbe: 11 best places

Kurutob is a popular and beloved national dish of Tajiks. Here's a guide to the best places to enjoy this dish in the capital of Tajikistan.

Togi Restaurant, @toqi.tj

A restaurant with an oriental-style interior. The kurutob here is prepared according to a unique recipe using traditional ingredients.

Kurutobkhonai "Nuh", @kurutobkhonai_nuh

A homely atmosphere with an Eastern vibe. The kurutob is made with the freshest ingredients and served in beautiful traditional dishes.

Green Wood House, @greenwoodhouse.tj

Enjoy kurutob in a cozy garden area with Eastern decor, perfect for a meal outdoors.

"Mohi Nav"

A cozy teahouse with national flair, known for serving one of the most delicious kurutobs in the city.

Kurutobkhonai "Olim"

Another place serving delicious dishes. The kurutob is served in an authentic Eastern atmosphere with traditional low seating — topchans.

Kurutobkhonai "Navruzi", @etno_restoran_navruzi

A wide selection of kurutob, with or without meat, and with or without ghee. They even offer a half portion for those who want to try but are unsure about finishing a whole plate.

Shakh Qurutob, @shakhqurutob.tj

A true corner of the Eastern market. Their kurutob is rich in flavor with an abundance of spices, perfect for those who enjoy bold tastes.

Kurutobkhonai "101"

A kurutob that will impress even the most discerning gourmet. It’s a popular spot for those who love national cuisine in Dushanbe.

Kurutobkhonai "Sayoh", @sayoh_qurutobhona

Large portions of kurutob made from fatir — flatbread baked in their own bakery. Winner of the "Best National Cuisine 2020" award by SMT Golden Plate.


A cozy establishment offering authentic Tajik cuisine, where the kurutob is served with crispy flatbread and fresh vegetables.

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