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Where the Charyn Canyon is located and how to get there


Where the Charyn Canyon is located and how to get there

The Charyn Canyon, often compared to the Grand Canyon in the USA, is located in the south-eastern zone of the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is located within the national park, about 200 kilometers from Almaty. You can get here in several ways. The most convenient is traveling by car. There is an opportunity to use buses and tourist excursion tours, which regularly depart from Almaty.

Поездка на Чарынский каньон

Those who prefer more autonomous travel can use cab services or rent a car. How to get to the Charyn Canyon from Almaty? This trip will take about three hours, you need to follow the highway A351 and A352.

What Charyn Canyon is known for: the most interesting and beautiful locations

This zone, which is located in a secluded area, is famous for its unique natural landscapes and ancient geological history of more than 12 million years. Its landscapes are truly reminiscent of Martian landscapes, thanks to the reddish and orange hues of the rocks and the impressive shapes of the cliffs.

The Charyn Canyon in Kazakhstan opens the following locations for tourists:

One of the most famous and visited locations, which is located here, is considered the Valley of Castles. This is a unique area where rock formations resemble huge medieval fortresses and towers, creating an exciting atmosphere. Tourists can drive here and walk along the trails along the Valley of Castles, enjoying the views. One can have a photo shoot against the amazing scenery.

You can have a picnic at the entrance, on the territory of the Eco-Park.

Another interesting location, which is definitely worth reaching, is the spruce grove. This is a relict forest where a rare species of spruce — Shrenka grows. The grove creates an amazing contrast with the desert landscapes.

Picturesque banks of the Temirlik River — there are beautiful oases surrounded by high rocks. A great place for picnics and swimming in cool water.

A photo session in the Charyn Canyon, which is not difficult to reach by private vehicle, will be really bright and unusual. The area, in the middle of which the canyon is located, resembles Martian landscape — there is no other such location for recreation. During the trip you can meet Siberian ibex, manul, hares, foxes and unique species of birds and reptiles. The local ecosystem remains a complex and sophisticated mechanism, where each species has its own role.

Planning a vacation properly

When planning a trip to the recreation area in the Charyn Canyon, you should take into account several important points. It is recommended to choose comfortable shoes and clothes suitable for active rest. Be sure to stock up on enough water and provisions, as there are no stores and cafes on the territory. Do not forget about sun protection: hats, sunscreen and sunglasses will be indispensable.

Как доехать до Чарынского каньона

For a comfortable vacation, it's worth considering an overnight stay. You can choose a campground in the area that offers tent camping and basic amenities. For an overnight stay here you will have to put up a tent, taking it with you or renting it locally. Alternatively, there are nearby guesthouses and hotels in nearby settlements, such as Saty village or Zharkent city. Overnight stay in a hotel will be more comfortable, but without the corresponding romance. Here the choice is up to the tourist.

The best season for a vacation in the Charyn Canyon

The optimal time to visit is spring and fall. In these seasons, the weather is most favorable: not too hot and not too cold. In spring it is especially beautiful here due to blooming vegetation and full-flowing rivers, and in autumn you can enjoy the golden colors of nature. Hiking and rafting on the Charyn River should preferably be done in the warm season.

Summer can be hot, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. If you are planning a trip during this time of the year, it is advisable to arrive early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the peak heat. Winter, on the other hand, can be cold and snowy, making the trip less comfortable but no less scenic.

To summarize

The Charyn Canyon is a unique natural wonder, offering breathtaking Martian scenery and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Planning a trip requires taking into account weather conditions, availability of necessary supplies and preparation for physical activities, as it is not possible to reach every place for a photo shoot by transportation. The best seasons to visit are spring and fall, when nature reveals itself in all its beauty. Regardless of the time of year, an overnight stay in this location will leave unforgettable impressions and give a lot of bright emotions to every traveler.

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