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Trip to Osh: colorful markets, Alai Valley and sacred mountain Sulaiman-Too


Trip to Osh: colorful markets, Alai Valley and sacred mountain Sulaiman-Too

Osh is one of the ancient cities of Central Asia, located in the eastern part of the Fergana Valley in southern Kyrgyzstan. Due to its economic and cultural development, the city has the status of the Southern Capital of the country and deservedly attracts the attention of tourists all over the world. It can be considered as an ideal example of a developed city with a combination of modernism and national flavor.

what a tourist needs to know in Osh

Coming here on vacation, you can get acquainted with the rich culture of the Kyrgyz people, visit interesting sights, visit the mountains and feel the spirit of a real nomad.

What to see in Osh

The southern capital is rich in places that will be interesting for tourists to relax. Here are the main attractions, where it is worth getting to.

Zhaima — the main market in Osh, which will help to plunge into the culture of the region. Here you can find absolutely everything: souvenirs, clothes, national carpets, dried fruits and much more. Also at the market you can try famous for the whole Kyrgyzstan maida manty and unique tandyr samsa.

Uzbek mahallas are districts that epitomize the way of life of the Uzbek people. In Osh tourists have a great opportunity to get acquainted with traditional values of Kyrgyz people as well as residents of neighboring Uzbekistan.

Church of Archangel Michael — an ancient religious and tourist object was erected after the fall of the Kokand Khanate.

Mausoleum of Asaf ibn Burkhiya — a famous pilgrimage site, named in honor of the vizier of King Suleiman, who, according to legend, willed to bury himself at the foot of this mountain.

Natural places

Kyrgyz-Ata National Park is an excellent choice for a one-day vacation in nature. It is located 40 kilometers from Osh, which is easily accessible by passenger car in 30-60 minutes.

How to get to Mount Sulaiman-Too

The Alai Valley is the main natural attraction of the region, located high in the mountains between the Alai and Chon-Alai ranges. The valley offers recreation on picturesque pastures, as well as kumys treatment, which has been popular among Turkic peoples since ancient times.

Lenin Peak is a mountain peak of the Chon-Alai range. Despite the favorable and accessible location of the 7000-meter peak, the trek requires thorough physical preparation and quality equipment from climbers.

Abshir-Sai Valley — 70 kilometers from the city is one of the most visited sights of Kyrgyzstan. It is known for the spectacular Abshir-Ata waterfall, the water of which has calcium and magnesium in its composition. It is recommended to get here.

It is desirable to come to Osh on vacation in the warm period of time to see the city and its surroundings in all their splendor.

Sacred mountain Sulaiman-Too

Sulaiman-Too is the main attraction and business card of Osh, stretching for more than a kilometer, so it is not difficult to get there.

The location is considered a sacred place and is a popular pilgrimage location — it is called "the second Mecca". There is a mosque and a mausoleum, as well as petroglyphs testifying to the ancient history of the mountain.

However, Sulaiman-Too bears not only religious significance. The mountain also serves as a symbol of Kyrgyzstan's national pride and cultural heritage. In 2009, it became the country's first UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Taj Mahal Mausoleum, the Great Wall of China and others.

The top of the mountain acts as the main observation platform, offering a view of the city from all sides: from the nearest architectural objects to the majestic mountains of the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai. The unique nature, framed by legends and historical artifacts, attracts both locals and tourists from all over the world.

Osh surprises not only with the above-mentioned sights, but also with a museum complex located on the same sacred mountain.

The Cave Museum on Mount Sulaiman-Too was founded in 1949 and today it houses more than 33,000 exhibits related to history, archeology, art and nature of the southern region of Kyrgyzstan.


Osh is a great choice of tourist destination and vacation spot for those who want to learn more about Central Asia. The city offers a wide range of entertainment and is considered the gastronomic center of Kyrgyzstan, from pilaf to maida mant — here you can discover new tastes, the recipe of which you will definitely ask for after the meal. In addition, the inhabitants of the city are characterized by good-naturedness and world-famous Kyrgyz hospitality.

The southern capital attracts tourists with its unique combination of history, culture and nature. No matter what you are looking for — spiritual enrichment, cultural attractions or outdoor adventures — Osh will offer you all this and more, leaving you with unforgettable impressions and a desire to return for vacation again.

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