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What’s happening next week in Central Asia: music, tech, and art


What’s happening next week in Central Asia: music, tech, and art

This week, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan are hosting a variety of exciting events. From concerts and tech conferences to creative festivals and comedy shows, there's something for everyone. Here's a quick look at the top events happening this month.


Concert Xzibit

When: September 16

Where: Almaty

Xzibit will finally visit Almaty on September 16 with a special performance as part of his September tour.

Mahmut Orhan's audio-visual show

When: September 18

Where: Almaty

Mahmut Orhan, whose career in the 2023-2024 season began on the world stages of New York, London, Paris, Los Angeles, Miami, Mexico City, Toronto, and Montreal, will perform in Almaty with his new audio-visual show!

Brand Analytics Conference Kazakhstan

When: September 18

Where: Almaty

You'll learn how social media analytics help make marketing, PR, and customer support more effective, discover successful cases from your colleagues, meet key players in this market, and take home fresh research on social networks in Kazakhstan.


When: September 20

Where: Almaty

EURASIAN MOBILE SUMMIT 2024 is an annual technology conference that gathers leading industry leaders, innovators, and experts to discuss the future of mobile communications and digital technologies.


When: September 21

Where: Astana

A family festival of science, art, and technology.


When: September 21-22

Where: Astana

TEDxAstana is a meeting place for those who believe in the power of ideas. TEDx conferences were created in the spirit of TED’s mission — Ideas Worth Spreading.

Jolbors Festival

When: September 21-22

Where: Almaty

On September 21-22, the 13th Central Asian Creative Communications Festival, Jolbors, will take place in Almaty. This is the most significant and anticipated event for creatives, advertisers, marketers, communication experts, designers, and production studios from the region.

Stand-up concert by Evgeny Chebatkov "With all due respect"

When: September 22

Where: Astana

An evening of sparkling humor and unique delivery, where every joke makes you think and smile at the same time.


Yntymak Week

When: September 16-20

Where: Bishkek

For the first time in Kyrgyzstan — a week uniting the voices of members of the Peacebuilding Hub and other participants.

Mahmut Orhan's audio-visual show

When: September 19

Where: Bishkek

Turkish DJ and producer Mahmut Orhan will also perform in Bishkek. This concert will be a significant event for all electronic music fans.

The role of a business analyst in the development of mobile banking

When: September 19

Where: Bishkek

Learn about the real challenges business analysts face when creating mobile banking apps. Experts will share their experiences, reveal key aspects of project management and business analysis, and discuss the latest trends in mobile banking and its impact on the Kyrgyz market.

Site-specific theater festival "Mesto-Deystvie"

When: September 20, 29

Where: Bishkek

You will see 12 performances scattered throughout the city. All festival projects will be created by artists living in Bishkek. These include both emerging artists showcasing their first works and experienced theater makers, as well as those who have been developing contemporary art for many years in other genres.


ICT Week Uzbekistan

When: September 17-20

Where: Tashkent

ICT WEEK UZBEKISTAN is a major and important event in the field of information technology, held annually in Uzbekistan since 2004. The event traditionally unites several specialized events into a single format.

Mahmut Orhan's audio-visual show

When: September 20

Where: Tashkent

Famous Turkish DJ Mahmut Orhan will perform on the stage of the Alpomish Ice Complex with his new audio-visual show.

Red Bull BC One Cypher Uzbekistan 2024

When: September 21-22

Where: Tashkent

Red Bull BC One is the largest breakdancing competition in the world. Every year, thousands of breakers around the world compete for a chance to perform in the world final and earn the title of world champion. This year, after a long break, the championship is returning to Uzbekistan.

Festival of artistic VR works

When: September 14-22

Where: Tashkent

The "Digital Autumn" festival program will present 11 immersive works, including several important regional premieres. The festival's program includes such iconic VR projects as "The Emperor" — a large-scale work by the leading French studio Atlas V, which won an award for outstanding achievement at the 2023 Venice International Film Festival.


Big stand-up festival in Dushanbe

When: September 21

Where: Dushanbe

The program includes a stand-up show, headliners’ performances, a light dance show, contests and prizes, a red carpet, and much more.


The music of Hans Zimmer

When: September 16

Where: Baku

A collective of professional musicians inspired by the idea of performing beloved music in unconventional venues. The ability to choose the program independently, unexpected locations, and the flexibility of the format brought together musicians with bold creative ideas.

Stand-up concert by Evgeny Chebatkov "With all due respect"

When: September 20

Where: Baku

An evening of witty jokes and life observations from one of the most talented modern comedians, offering laughter intertwined with deep reflections.

The play "Ali and Nino"

When: September 20

Where: Baku

The play, based on Kurban Said's novel, tells the tragic love story of Ali and Nino. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of historical events during the collapse of the Russian Empire and the emergence of the first Eastern Democratic Republic, ADR. The lovers’ destinies are closely intertwined with these events.

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