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The Karakum Desert: what makes it interesting and what to see


The Karakum Desert: what makes it interesting and what to see

Travel to Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan for nature lovers: what a tourist needs to know, interesting places, best vacation options, how to get there.

What makes the Karakum Desert interesting

The greatness of the Karakum Desert is known not only to experienced travelers, but also to the general public. Its expanse stretches over nearly 350 000 square kilometers. Today, this vast arid land covers more than 500 kilometers, surpassing the area of countries like Italy, Norway, and the United Kingdom. It is a true ocean of sand, characterized by a diverse flora and fauna, scorching and dry summers, and frosty winters. In the summer, temperatures in the Karakum Desert can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius, making it almost inhospitable. Some areas are completely devoid of water for hundreds of kilometers.

Location of the Karakum Desert

Many travelers interested in exploring this extraordinary phenomenon wonder: where the Karakum Desert is located. It is situated between the West Uzboy riverbed in the west, the Amu Darya valley in the east, the Khorezm lowland in the north, and the foothills of Kopetdag, Karabil and Vanhyz in the south. The desert occupies about 80% of the territory of modern Turkmenistan, partially affecting Uzbekistan.

Structurally, it resembles a kind of plain where sand dunes and ridges interconnect with tiny salt flats and takyrs. Some areas are in lowlands, while others are on plateaus.

What activities to enjoy in the Karakum Desert

The Karakum Desert offers mainly wild, adventurous experiences. Thousands of tourists regularly visit on specialized jeep tours.

Чем интересна пустыня Каракум

If you enjoy discovering remote places with harsh climates, a trip to the Karakum Desert will surely appeal to you. It is believed that Turkic tribes, who once raided Asia Minor and beyond, originated in this region centuries ago.

Must-See Places

The desert is rich in natural attractions, ensuring you won’t get bored. No wonder it has become a hotspot for tourists from around the world.

Here are some key sites:

  • There are three unique natural reserves: Repeteksky with an area of 34 600 hectares, Bereketli-Karagumsky with an area of 87 000 hectares and Kaplankyrsky with an area of 282 800 hectares.

  • Picturesque valleys of the ancient river Uzboy. Today this river is, in fact, a dried up branch of the Amu Darya River. However, during the Middle Ages and even more so in ancient times, the tributaries of the Uzboy could reach the territory of the Caspian Sea.

  • Sarykamysh depression. An amazing place, which is a must-see when going on vacation to this area. From time to time, the depression is filled with water from the Amu Darya River, turning into a real oasis surrounded by a kingdom of sand.

  • The Murghab and Tejen rivers. They originate in the Hindu Kush Mountains. Along the Murghab River there are oases, the largest of which are considered to be the Merv, Jolatan and Pendi oases.

  • Merv. It is an ancient city with the richest cultural heritage, which appeared in the middle of I thousand B.C. and was destroyed by Mongol-Tatars. The ruins of ancient settlements, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, are still preserved here.

Going on vacation to this region, you can also see important archaeological monuments, in particular the ruins of ancient settlements and fortresses. They allow you to fully experience the history of the region.

How to organize an overnight stay

Despite the harsh climate, there are relatively large settlements in the area with well-maintained homes where you can spend the night. These settlements have shops, libraries, schools, medical centers, and amenities like electricity and gas. They are connected by roads to the oasis belt. Every year, more recreational zones, new roads, pipelines, and settlements are developed. For those who enjoy extreme adventures, camping in a tourist camp is a viable option.

Туристическая поездка в пустыню Каракум

Despite the fact that the Karakum Desert is not so hyped yet, everything is ahead of the curve. The area is being developed to give travelers something to see and a place to stay.


If you prefer a vacation in an awe-inspiring and challenging environment that combines unique natural beauty with grand cultural heritage, a visit to the Karakum Desert is a must. You will experience true wonder, seeing an ocean of sand and incredible dunes, and have the chance to camp under the stars while observing the shifting sands.

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