A constitution is the main document and the highest law in many countries worldwide. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was approved on August 30, 1995. Today, Kazakhstan celebrates its 21st anniversary. That’s why WE decided to write about the most interesting facts of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Source: i.kapital.kz
The first set of laws were established during Kazakh Khanate
The set of steppe laws was established three different times. The first set of laws was “Kasym khan kaska zhol” (“Kasym khan’s bright way”), which was developed at the beginning of the XVI century during the rule of Kasym khan. After him, there were some changes in the codex made by the next khan — Esim, who renamed the set “Esim khan eski zholy” (“Esim khan’s ancient way”). However, the changes of the next ruler, Tauke khan, who also was a co-author of “Zhety zhargy” (“Seven sets”), were the most successful.
The project of the Kazakh constitution was prepared in 1911
Barlybek Syrtanov — a major public figure — made the project “Kazak elinin Ustavy” (Constitution of Kazakh nation). The main idea was to create an independent, national, sovereign state.
3. Kazakhstan adopted two constitutions during the USSR.
The first constitution was established on March 20, 1937 by the 10th All-Kazakh Congress of the Soviets, consolidating the fact of the creation of the Kazakh SSR in the Soviet Union. The second one was established on April 20, 1978, and it was the ground for the future establishment of the first constitution of Independent Kazakhstan in 1993.
The constitution defined citizens’ fundamental rights and obligations: the right to work, the right to rest, health protection, guarantees of freedom of expression, press, the right of asylum for foreign citizens, and others.
4. Prior to preparing the first constitution, President N. Nazarbayev studied the experiences of foreign countries.
Before establishing the constitution, Nursultan Nazarbayev read 20 main laws of different countries and learned the adoption process of constitutional laws. As a result, the constitution of 1995 replicates the experience of the USA in the areas of construction and separation of government authority.
5. Kazakhstan and France are two countries which have a Constitutional Council.
Kazakhstan was faced with the necessity of creating a Constitutional Council. This verifies legal regulations and international agreements of the Fundamental Law.
6. The first constitution of Independent Republic Kazakhstan
The first constitution of Independent Kazakhstan was adopted at the 9th session of the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan on January 28, 1993. Its structure included a preamble, 4 sections, 21 chapters and 131 articles.
7. There are some words in the constitution that are repeated many times.
You can read the word “Respublika” (“Republic”) 305 times, “zakon” (“law”) — 158 times, “Prezident” (“President”) 137 times.
8. The current Constitution was changed three times.
Since its adoption, the constitution has been amended three times: in 1998, 2007 and 2011. The first changes affected the term and competence of the President, Deputies of the Senate and Majilis. Majilis is the lower house of the Parliament of Kazakhstan (with 107 seats), and the upper house is the Senate (with 47 members).