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Semey through the eyes of a foreigner – why abroad considered prestigious to study at the Semey State Medical University


Semey through the eyes of a foreigner – why abroad considered prestigious to study at the Semey State Medical University

Roudah Binti Farooq, 27 years old, Kashmir, India, physician

About moving

Since my childhood I was interested in medicine, I always have wanted to become a doctor, help people and save lives.

I got to the beautiful Semey City chasing this dream. In October of 2011, I entered the Semey State Medical University and spent five years there. This University opens its doors to many international students.


About education

The University has a special department for international students. All lectures and practical classes were held in English. This is the peculiarity of Semey University. The State Medical University the only that has a foreign department. Therefore, students from China, India, Bangladesh, Sudan and many other countries come here. My sister also came here and received a diploma.

The most important advantage of the University is the teachers who can give good knowledge. Our University has a good reputation not only in Kazakhstan but abroad as well. In India considered prestigious to graduate from a Medical University in Semey.

About the city

At first glance, Semey is not a very expressive city. After looking inside the city you can note comfort and warmth. All corners of the city saturated with history and culture of the country, its outstanding people. Locals are proud of their roots and love the city.


I liked walking with friends around the city, spend time on the fresh air. I was impressed by the view of the famous Semey Bridge. Especially when the metal structures of the bridge shimmer with yellow and red colours at the sunset it is impressive.

Moving to another country is a totally new experience for me. I got acquainted with the outstanding culture of Kazakhstan and met charming people. At first, was hard for me to get used to the new place because I was far from home, but the people around me made me feel like at home.

Teachers and friends supported me in a difficult period, because of them I was able to realize my inner potential, about which I didn't even knew before.

In June 2016, I graduated from University and faced a choice. On the one hand, I achieved my goal and became a doctor, and on the other hand, I had to leave my friends, my new home return to my family.

About plans

Soon I plan to return to Semey because there left a piece of my soul. Kazakhstan has become my second home. I became who I am now, due to the University.

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