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Romanians in Kazakhstan. About the similarity of Kazakhs and Americans and the reasons why beshbarmak better than steak


Romanians in Kazakhstan. About the similarity of Kazakhs and Americans and the reasons why beshbarmak better than steak

Vasilica Crisan, 43 years old, hometown — Bucharest, sales manager


About the trip

I went to Mongolia last year because since childhood I know stories about Genghis Khan and his Empire. I was wondering how this country looks like now and how lives. The easiest way to get to Mongolia is through Kazakhstan. At that time, I knew little about your country, only a few headlines in the world media about the summits and Expo-2017.

The flight to Astana was quite comfortable, I was flying by Air Astana and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of service and convenience of the aircraft.

I did not have to apply for a visa, as Kazakhstan provides a visa-free regime for citizens of Romania.

About Kazakhstan

Astana is a modern city with mixed architectural styles. I saw houses that resembled old European architecture and high skyscrapers nearby. The city is beautiful in its perspective, but I had a feeling that something is missing. The left bank of the city has a lot of space but little people. I think this is temporary, and Astana will become a really large and vibrant city.

Kazakhstanis are friendly people and ready to sincerely help in any situation. I had a situation when I got on the wrong bus and went to a completely unfamiliar area. One guy who knew English helped me with the route, led me to the right stop and put me on the bus. I do not know if it so for everyone or only for foreigners, but the fact is that I got help.

About culture similarities and differences

There is a sense of Oriental colour in Kazakhstan, which actively interacts with Western culture. I've been to several South Asian countries, and people's behaviour there is radically different. Kazakhs have different food, a different attitude to the world.

People in Kazakhstan are trying to achieve success, eager to create and earn. This is your similarity to Americans, and you have a dream that you are trying to achieve.

People in Kazakhstan are trying to achieve success, eager to create and earn

I haven't noticed total differences in everyday moments, probably, it is worth visiting villages and small towns, where people live in their world. Astana is the capital, and I saw familiar brands, European cuisine, modern cars here.

About plans

I was delighted with Kazakhstan, and I want to visit several cities in the country in the future. I think I can discover a new world and learn something.

Ioan Maresh, 29 years old, hometown ― Bucharest, builder


About the trip

I work for a small construction company that builds private homes for VIP clients. Once we received an order for an out-of-town house from the businessman in Almaty. I was appointed as the second head of the project and I had to take measurements and develop the layout of the house.

The trip turned out to be fascinating, as I was not familiar with Kazakhstan before. I was pleased with the visa-free regime as it is greatly simplified my business trip and saved time.

About Kazakhstan

Almaty is a city of warm atmosphere. I visited the mountains, went to Medeu and BAO. All these trips were organized by the customer. It was unusual to visit attractions on a business trip. I like such business trips much more.

Almaty is a city of warm atmosphere

The city itself impressed me with the greens. A lot of trees and flowers but they do not save from smog.

I visited several restaurants and liked the level of service and quality of food. Prices are quite reasonable but not much different from the European. I guess other cities have lower prices.

Almaty is a proud city that is aware of its history and boldly speaks about it. That's the charm of the city. Residents love Almaty and with warmth talk about it.

About culture similarities and differences

Beshbarmak is the best thing I've eaten in my life. I'm a big meat lover and always order steaks in restaurants, but beshbarmak broke all my records. I was surprised that the wife of the customer cooked beshbarmak herself. The combination of simple dough, broth with onions and boiled meat is incredible. I never thought boiled meat could taste so good. I miss this dish and all my attempts to repeat it ended in failure.

Hospitality is the main feature of Kazakhstanis

Hospitality is the main feature of Kazakhstanis. I had never been so close to my customer before Almaty trip. In Europe usually, we have only a business conversation and can treat each other with a cup of coffee, no more. But in Almaty, we were taken to all important places, introduced to the family members and had a rich table. I felt like a guest and forgot that I had come here for work.

About plans

At the moment, I can't visit Kazakhstan because of being busy. However, I will definitely come again in the next couple of years and finally, learn how to cook beshbarmak.

Nikola Liviano, 25 years old, hometown ― Bucharest, student


About the trip

I knew little about Kazakhstan, only from my mother's stories. She said that once lived in Pavlodar and went to a kindergarten. However, her father moved to Bucharest and her connection with Kazakhstan broke.

I study at Bucharest National University of Arts with a degree in Fine art. My group decided to visit Astana to see the city located in the heart of Eurasia and find out what culture prevails in your country.

About Kazakhstan

My mother told me that Kazakhstan is a multinational country and home to immigrants from all over the Soviet Union. I got inspired by the idea to explore how an Asian country can combine so many national cultures and not lose its identity.

I stayed for three days in Astana and two days in Almaty. Astana surprised me with its architecture and atmosphere of the business-political centre. There I saw the prevalence of cold European culture. People in Astana are always in a hurry and bustle somewhere, although the city is quite small and there is enough space for everyone.

Almaty, on the contrary, has a sense of space, although more people live there. Almaty resembles a cosy house in the village, where you feel warm and safe. There are a warm climate, beautiful views of the mountains and the centre of the cultural life of the country.

I liked both cities, and each has its own characteristic.

About culture similarities and differences

Kazakhstan is a unique nation with its own national identity, despite a large number of different nationalities. This cultural and historical phenomenon is present only in America and Kazakhstan. There are many countries with a large number of ethnic groups, but their peaceful neighbourhood and joint work are rare.

Kazakhstan is a unique nation with its own national identity, despite a large number of different nationalities

Kindness and hospitality of Kazakhstanis unite our nations, as Romanians also love fun and celebrations and always welcome guests.

I am a vegetarian, so I could not enjoy your main national dish ― beshbarmak. However, I tried kurt it is a unique delicacy and worth selling to the whole Western world. I'm sure kurt will have a lot of lovers in Europe.

About plans

My plan is o graduate and goes to Japan. I was interested in their culture of rigid traditions and mad development of modern technologies. I am not sure if I will visit Kazakhstan again in the near future, but I hope that someday I will be able to visit this country again.

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