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Rzaev Gyulaga, 62, from Jalilabad

Head of the "Namus" regional Azerbaijani cultural center


On moving

Having left school in Azerbaijan, I was taken to Taldykorgan by my uncle. Later, my uncle was transferred to Karaganda, and I moved with him. In 1978 I started working at the "Green Balka" state farm; after graduating from technical school, I got a job at the traffic police. I worked for more than 20 years and was promoted from the sergeant to the head of the State Automobile Inspection, I retired in 2004. Since then I’ve been engaged in public activities.

The largest number of Azerbaijanis lives in Karaganda, we’re around 5,000. The majority started moving in the late 90’s.

On cultural life

All conditions are provided for Azerbaijanis, as well as for other nationalities. There are no barriers, no interethnic differences, we’re all equal. We have our own sports and choreographic rooms, an ethnic cabinet in the House of Friendship. We observe all our traditions and customs, celebrate national holidays, Nauryz, Kurban Eid with other ethnic groups. Besides, we organize concerts, round tables at state holidays.



On Karaganda

Over the past 20 years Karaganda has changed a lot and seems to be one of the best and most beautiful cities in Kazakhstan. Going to Azerbaijan, we want to return in ten days, Karaganda cannot help attract us like a real magnet.

Central Park, Nurken Abdirov Avenue, Central Department Store (ЦУМ), Mira avenue boulevard are the most beautiful spots to rest in Karaganda.

On life in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is my Motherland. It’s is special, it’s my home. I'm lucky to live here, as I and my wife work, my children study. My children and my wife speak Kazakh, which we consider to be our second native language.

All my friends, comrades, colleagues are Kazakhs. I consider them as siblings.

Vitaliy Tvarionas, 54, from Karaganda

Honorary Consul of Lithuania in the Republic of Kazakhstan


On moving

The Lithuanians including my ancestors were deported here in 1947, most of people were brought to the Karaganda region. These days more than 2500 Lithuanians live in Karaganda region.

On cultural life


We are members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. We have a house built in the Lithuanian style. There’s a large complex called "Lithuanian courtyard"; social projects for orphanages, students and veterans are regularly held. There are trade and exhibition halls, where both Kazakhstani and foreign products are sold. Also, visitors can taste national cuisine for free.



Additionally, we have an honorary Lithuanian consulate located in Karaganda.

About two charity events are held monthly; both Lithuanian and Kazakhstani state holidays are arranged.

The Lithuanians sent to Karaganda managed to preserve the gene pool and the cultures lost in Lithuania. All the traditions taken from Lithuania by our ancestors are carefully kept here.

There are many kinds of bread in Lithuania, as bread is considered to be sacred for our nation. According to our traditions, a woman gives bread to a man, and a man cuts it in slices. We have a special cutting board made of two levels: the bread is cut upside, while the crumbs fall down into the wooden mesh downside. Then these crumbs are collected and turned into another product.


On Karaganda

All nationalities living in Karaganda seem to be a large family living under one roof.

I believe that Karaganda is the cultural center of Kazakhstan, where we’re happy to bring Lithuanian guests.

There are many sights in our city, there’re places which Lithuanian architects built as well. Some monuments in the Karaganda region were also supplied by the Lithuanian association.


Sutretdinova Sufiya, 70, from Bukhar

The head of the "Idel" Tatar-Bashkir cultural center

On moving

I moved with my family to Karaganda in 1979. I used to live in Tashkent, but here I feel myself better, I do really like this city.

More than 16 thousand Tatars live in the Karaganda region these days.

On cultural life

In 2012 I started the Tatar-Bashkir cultural center named "Idel". In 2015 the Friendship House uniting 24 ethnic centers was opened in Karaganda. Previously, we did not know each other very well, but now we’re friends united under one roof. We arrange common concerts, visit each other, and celebrate national holidays.

We teach and learn our native language in the Sunday school all year round. Now we have 700 students, new students come weekly. I speak Kazakh well.

We have a vocal band and a dance group. We often travel around Kazakhstan and give concerts.

Also, we conduct national rituals, keep traditions, hold competitions on national food preparation. Thus we teach children to keep and preserve our traditions.

Our biggest national holiday is Sabantuy, which is held in the spring. All Azerbaijanis gather at this holiday. We start celebrating it in May and travel all around the cities in June. Also, we celebrate Kurban Eid. We treat each holiday with respect; Nauryz is celebrated interestingly and luxuriously.


On life in Kazakhstan


Karaganda’s a beautiful city. I like everything in Kazakhstan, my family adores travelling around the country. We’re lucky to live in peace and harmony.

The Kazakhs are a cheerful, hospitable and affable people. I’ve been in many countries, but the Kazakhs are the most welcoming.

Some people wonder: "How do you live in the steppe?" But the thing is that we have everything here, not the steppe only! Tourists can find a lot of things in Kazakhstan; as for me, I always rest in Karkaralinsk, which is really picturesque.

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