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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Kazakh about how she married an Italian and why they moved to Kazakhstan


Kazakh about how she married an Italian and why they moved to Kazakhstan

Rosario Ronga, hometown — Naples, 62 years old, dentist

Aida Baytemirova, hometown — Petropavlovsk, 43 years old

Giovanni Ronga, hometown — Massa, 12 years old

Laura Ronga, hometown — Massa, 11 years old

About us

Rosario. We met years ago.

Aida. It was 1997-1998 when I lived and worked in Italy.


In Kazakhstan was a difficult time while Italy flourished and there was an economic boom. Italians were open to any type of labour force. I went to work on a contract and almost immediately met Rosario and I stayed there. Then I also studied.

Rosario. We had common friends and met at one of the parties. I was fascinated and amazed by her beauty. At that time, it wasn't a usual thing to meet an Asian girl in Italy.

We didn't think we'd connect lives forever. All of a sudden. I was single, in the prime of my life and had no thought of marriage. But I met Aida we were friends for a long time, dated and travelled, went to each other. Then we found out we were going to have a Giovanni.

Aida. When I got pregnant, we decided to stop. Stopped to travel everywhere and work hard — the future child turned our lives upside down. Of course, for the better, a child is a gift of fate.

Rosario. We dated for about eight years before marriage. Italy has a different mentality. We're not getting married right away. First, we need to get to know each other. I remember that first I came to Kazakhstan, to Petropavlovsk, to meet Aida's parents. I liked it here and proposed to her.

Aida. The wedding was in Italy. My parents came all his relatives and closest friends. There were few guests, such a family atmosphere.