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  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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There are so many documents needed to get a visa to Kazakhstan. However, there are also some countries with a visa free entry, and again there are also some papers required. WE decided to write in details about all necessary documents and terms for visiting our beautiful Kazakhstan.

The list of countries with visa-free stay:

Till 90 days

Till 30 days

Till 15 days

Federative Republic of Brazil

Arab Republic of Egypt



Argentine Republic


Hellenic Republic

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Federative Republic of Germany

Kingdom of Denmark



Kingdom of Spain

Republic of Croatia

French Republic

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Cuba


Portuguese Republic

Republic of Serbia


Republic of Armenia

Republic of Turkey

Italian Republic

Republic of Azerbaijan



Republic of Belarus


Republic of Bulgaria


Republic of Cyprus


Republic of Estonia


Republic of Finland


Republic of Lithuania


Republic of Macedonia


Republic of Moldova


Republic of Poland

United Arab Emirates

Republic of Slovenia

United Kingdom and North Ireland

Republic of Tajikistan

United States of America

Republic of Uzbekistan

Russian Federation


Slovak Republic


Vatican City State

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 26, 2015 № 483 citizens of the United Kingdom, United States of America, Germany, France, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Monaco, Singapore, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Japan are exempt from visa requirements for visits up to 15 calendar days from the moment of crossing the state border between July 16, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

We considered four types of Kazakhstan visas:

Visa recipients

Number of entries

Visa validity

Diplomatic visa

Issued to the members of the Parliament, Governments of foreign states and their family members — holders of diplomatic passports, as well as members of foreign official delegations and accompanying persons — holders of diplomatic passports.



90 days

Upto 3 years

Service visa

issued to the holders of passports of international organizations without status, equated to the diplomatic agents, as well as owners of ordinary passports, working for international organizations



90 days

Upto 3 years

Investor visa

issued to the members of the administrative and technical staff of the diplomatic missions, international organizations or their delegations, consular officials, service staff of the consular offices of foreign states, accredited in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and their family members


Double trip


90 days

90 days (no more than 30 days at each entry)

Upto 3 years

Business visa

issued to the persons to business trip, to participate in conferences, symposiums, forums, exhibitions, concerts, cultural, scientific, sport and other events


Double trip


90 days

90 days (no more than 30 days at each entry)

Upto 3 years

Tourist visa

issued to the persons, who travel to the Republic of Kazakhstan with tourist purposes


Double trip


90 days

90 days (no more than 30 days at each entry)

Upto 3 years

Private visa

issued to the persons as follows:

—travelling for treatment, medical examination and consultations

— to take care of their close relatives


Double trip


90 days

180 days

1 year

Student visa

issued to the person to get education, enter educational institutions, learn according to the intermediate, technical and professional, upper-intermediate, undergraduate and graduate educational programs, including exchange programs for studying and pre-courses


Double trip


90 days

90 days

1 year

Work visa

Issued to the persons as follows:

— who cometo work, according to the work permit

— to work, who are not obliged to get the work permit in accordance with the national legislation or international treaties, the part of which is the Republic of Kazakhstan



90 days

up to 1 year, but no more than validity period of the work permit

Humanitarian visa

Issued to the volunteers to provide free education, health services, social assistance



90 days

1 year

Requirements to get visa:

To secure Tourist, Business, Work, Medical Treatment, Student, Investor and Diplomatic(or individuals without nationality) must contact the Kazakh diplomatic mission/consulate in the country of residence and submit:

— Valid passport (or international travel document). The passport should expire not earlier than 3 months upon expiry of the respective visa
— Copy of letter of invitation - indicating the number of a visa support letter issued by the Department of Consular Service of the Kazakhstan MFA;


— Written application - instead of a letter of invitation indicating the visa support letter (only for nationals of states referred to in the document given by the Department of Consular Service of the Republic of Kazakhstanto secure single Tourist, Business, Diplomatic and Service visa to be valid for up to one month).

— Completed visa questionnaire
— One photo 3.5 х 4.5
— Proof of consular fee paid
—The consul reserves the right to request other documents.

Currently the issue of granting a double entry tourist visa valid up to 60 days on the ground of written applications of the citizens from group of countries indicated to in the document given by the Department of Consular Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan is under consideration.

Apart from visa, foreign citizens should receive registration (immigration) card with marked places of accommodation and dates staying in Kazakhstan. Citizens of some countries can get registration along with their visa; others will need to receive upon arrival in the country at the immigration police.

If you had an invitation from Kazakhstan you need to provide the following necessary documents:

—Passport copy – expiry date should be 6 months longer than visa expiry date

— Company and Bank stamped payments of Consulate fees invoices and factual expenses to Administration and Maintenance of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Kazakhstan

—Application forms with explanation of reasons for visit

—Hotel reservations and flight bookings

Cost of visa

Based on key rates the consular charge may reach:

— 10 to 30 US Dollars for single Kazakhstan entry/exit visa - or its extension for up to three months;
— 20 to 60 US Dollars for single Kazakhstan entry/exist visa or exit/entry visa - or its extension for up to three months;
— 30 to 90 US Dollars for double Kazakhstan entry/exist visa or exit/entry visa - or its extension for up to three months;
— 35 to 105 US Dollars for triple Kazakhstan entry/exist visa - or exit/entry visa or its extension for up to three months;
— 100 to 200 US Dollars for multiple Kazakhstan visa or its extension for up to 1 year, and 200 to 400 US Dollars for its extension for up to 2 years;
— 20 to 40 US Dollars for single tourist visa for up to 30 days, and 30 to 60 US Dollars for double tourist visa for up to 60 days;
— 10 to 30 US Dollars for transit visa for up to 60 days.

The Kazakhstan diplomatic, official and investor visas shall be granted free of consular charge.

Contacts (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): +7 (7172) 720 518

We would like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Kazakhstan for providing information for the article.

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