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How has consumer behavior changed in Kazakhstan visiting restaurants and cafes?


How has consumer behavior changed in Kazakhstan visiting restaurants and cafes?

The article was prepared by wecom.agency communication agency.

In different countries, catering establishments are returning to work. In Kazakhstan, cafe terraces are allowed to work. WE communication agency learned how the consumer behavior in public catering has changed in recent years.

The owners, marketers, and brand managers of Kazakhstani restaurants and cafes answered our questions and shared information about their work today.

Zlatoslav Bliznyuk, managing director of Melnitsa restaurant


Our restaurant has been on the market for over ten years. It was not difficult for us to switch to the delivery format and outdoor serving, because this is how we worked before. We have only 6% of the usual proceeds on delivery.

Our customers' eating habits have changed. Earlier homemade food, pizza, burgers were ordered, now, during quarantine, homemade food is ordered less often because people cook themselves. The visiting time has automatically decreased so the opening hours of restaurants have decreased too. Previously, guests came right after work and could be in the restaurant until 22:00, but now only until 20:00.

Asem Turebekova, brand manager of Darejani restaurant chain


We switched to the delivery format and summer terraces, but it was difficult because we had to reduce the number of seats due to security requirements. If earlier there were 30 places on summer terraces, now there are half of them. We planned to launch our own delivery, but at a leisurely pace. Now we will speed up this process, launch our own couriers so that guests can order not only through aggregators.

We have not noticed that the dietary habits of consumers have changed much. Now, guests are trying to order dishes that cook quickly and that can be eaten quickly. They try not to stay in the restaurant for a long time, although there were long queues for outdoor seats.

As a business that works with people, we are interested in making our clients comfortable and safe. We even removed the service charge.

Vyacheslav Pak, CR-manager of Cafe Rafe


We have been working on delivery for over ten years, so we did not have to run it in emergency mode. We have not yet analyzed how the food habits of consumers have changed, but if you look at the delivery format, there are two factors: the price and how fast it can be eaten. Now people order something that can be eaten quickly.

People are beginning to get used to sitting and eating more outdoors, in the open air, thus creating new trends. Guests have begun to leave fewer tips, as they pay by card.

People are no longer so willing to walk in public places, but hopefully this will change soon.

Artem Marchenko, CEO of the Chef Group, Zina restaurant


During the first quarantine, we switched to the delivery format and outdoor serving. It was difficult to implement. For two weeks, we worked in a super-big minus.

Customers' eating habits have not changed much, but now they order more food that does not change its appearance and quality. There is a category of people who have not changed their habits, and for some, restaurants are now not available.

People want to come to sit in a large company, but we do not allow more than four guests to sit at the same table, because of this, we sometimes get negative reviews. But most of the guests are understanding.

If you are in a ventilated space or on the street, then the hormone of happiness is produced, which supports immunity.

Nina Kireeva-Dos Santos, director of the Brazilian restaurant "RIO"


The demand for business lunches decreased, since many now work from home. Thanks to the quarantine, the stew has appeared on the menu. It is actively ordered now.

Previously, we often celebrate family events. Now people celebrate them at home, but order us delivery. Before was the other way around - guests came to us to relax and have fun.

Aizhan Kusainova, entrepreneur, co-owner of SVOY, and CoffeeNOVA restaurant chain


We switched to the delivery format and summer terraces a long time ago, but over the past two weeks, the revenue has dropped dramatically.

Regular guests continue to order their favorite dishes, their eating habits have not changed much. Visiting summerhouses or ordering food at home has changed. Previously, people came to the cafes only at 20:00 and be there for 3-4 hours, but now they need to leave at 20:00. Guests treat thermometry with understanding, they even joke. I am glad that the guests have optimism.

We would like to thank our guests for supporting us, for loving our cafes and for ordering delivery.

WE communication agency is a communication agency with expertise in PR and digital promotion. It has been working in the advertising and marketing market of Central Asia and Kazakhstan for over 17 years.

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