Traditions and culture continue to hold significant importance in Tajikistan. Here are 10 Tajik customs that are still followed in the country.
Spand fumigation
In Tajikistan, it is common to use spand incense. It is believed to remove and ward off the evil eye. Spand is an Asian plant that grows in the Middle East and southern parts of Asia.
Hospitality is a fundamental duty of a respectable Tajik. Every host considers it their responsibility to offer delicious food to their guests. Every home has a large room, called a mekhmonkhona, specifically for receiving visitors.
Handshakes Between Men and Women
In Tajikistan, it is not customary for men to shake hands with women, whether for greetings or assistance. It is best not to extend a hand to the opposite gender to avoid making them uncomfortable.
The bride price, known as kalym. Sometimes, both families may agree to forgo the kalym.
One vivid example of a tradition is the ruybinon, a ceremony held the day after the bride arrives at the groom’s house. Relatives of the groom visit with gifts for this occasion.
Fotikha, or engagement, is an important ritual in Tajik culture. It involves the formal announcement of the engagement between the young couple.
Ulok or Buzkashi
This is an ancient game played by strong and brave horsemen in Central Asia, including Tajikistan. Historically, local rulers organized such games to recruit the strongest and most resourceful young men for their armies.
Khatna-Tuy or Circumcision
An important rite of passage for all boys in Tajikistan is the circumcision ceremony known as khatna-tuy.
The ancient ritual of dandonmushak is performed when a child’s first tooth appears.
This family ritual is performed when a newborn is placed in a new cradle for the first time. When a newlywed couple has their first child, the bride’s parents buy a crib and accessories, which are then brought to their daughter’s home on the designated day along with other gifts.