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Germany allocates €10 million to Tajikistan for healthcare projects


Germany allocates €10 million to Tajikistan for healthcare projects

These funds will be used to construct a new building at the National Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology in Dushanbe.

On January 29, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan signed grant agreements with the German Development Bank for a total of €10 million. The agreements were signed by Minister Zavki Zavkizoda, German Ambassador Jörg Schugraf, and KfW Regional Director Andreas Schneider, according to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan.

The funds will be allocated for the construction of an additional building at the National Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology in Dushanbe, as well as for the reconstruction of the Central Hospital of Vahdat, including the modernization of medical equipment.

These initiatives aim to improve the quality of healthcare services, protect maternal and child health, and ensure access to emergency medical care for the population.

Germany has been actively supporting economic projects in Tajikistan for many years. In recent years, the country has provided €128 million in grants for projects such as the construction of the Sebzor hydroelectric power plant, public schools, hospitals for the treatment of mental illnesses and tuberculosis, as well as the development of rural infrastructure and agriculture.

Sources: centralasia.news

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