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Foreigners about life in Russia: Why they moved and what for love the country


Foreigners about life in Russia: Why they moved and what for love the country

Anton Ventura-Traveset, 27 years old, hometown — Barcelona, client manager


About moving

I was born in Barcelona, Catalonia, lived there until I was 24. After graduating from University in 2014 decided to move to Russia. In September I moved to St. Petersburg, where studied and worked at the same time.

I went to Russia to get acquainted with the country and learn the Russian language. There were three reasons. First, everyone knows Russia is a rich and strong country. Therefore, you can become successful in business if manage to learn the Russian language. Secondly, I like to learn languages and knew that knowledge of the language would allow me to work wherever I wanted, especially in Barcelona. That would be my advantage over the others. Third, my grandfather was half-Russian but was born in Barcelona. In 1936 he was sent to Russia because of the civil war in our country. He was nine years old when he left and returned to Spain at the age of 29.

About the difficulties

I got used to the weather easily, but it was difficult to get used to bureaucracy. At the very beginning, after moving I had difficulties because of the language barrier. People in Russia hardly speak English. Despite these special difficulties did not arise.

About peculiarities of the culture


In Barcelona, live good and cheerful people, we have warm weather and a good standard of living. Spain is in the first place in the ranking of countries by life expectancy.

In Russia, I did not have enough Spanish ham. Russian cuisine is different, it was hard to find a good restaurant with Spanish cuisine.

There are also differences in lifestyle in Russia and Spain. I think the weather makes people live differently. But I love both countries and think it is good to live here and there.

About Russia


I attended courses at the faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University for about nine months. It was helpful. What I studied in the morning, I could use in the evening in conversation with friends or people on the street.

I liked everything in Russia because it is close to my heart. I have seen Russian culture in my home since childhood. In addition, good people live in Russia. Most of all in this country I like the language, people, minibuses, Georgian and Russian cuisine.

People think Russia is another planet. But it's not, there live the same people.

People think Russia is another planet. But it's not, there live the same people

I am grateful for the ability to study for free at one of the best business schools in Russia — The Higher School of Economics.

I have great friends from Russia and feel a quarter, Russian. I would advise foreigners to go to Russia and stay there for at least a week to understand that in fact, Russia is different.

Daniel Correa, 31 years old, hometown — Medellin, teacher, @english.buzz


About moving

I was born in Colombia. When I was two years old, we moved to America, and I grew up there.

Before moving to Russia, I travelled a lot. I always liked the atmosphere of St. Petersburg. When I had the opportunity to come here on vacation, I fell in love with the city and decided to move.

About difficulties

For me, it was hard to get used to the Russian lifestyle. My family from Colombia are typical Hispanics who are always smiling and joking. It was difficult for them when they came here to rest because they did not understand how to behave in this country. People think there's something wrong with you if you smile.

People think there's something wrong with you if you smile

It was hard to get used to the weather and speak Russian.

About peculiarities of the culture

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I think people in the US are more fun. In Russia, people are more serious. At the same time, despite the fact they are not so sociable, they can be real friends. If you make friends with a Russian, it's forever. Russia has a stronger and more honest friendship.

People in my country are hospitable, we try to make the tourist who came to us feels like at home. Another difficulty we face after coming here is the pessimism of people.

I miss surfing, and there's nowhere to do it in Russia. I miss warm weather, family and people's optimism.

About Russia

I like that people in Russia are strong and mentally strong. I fell in love with the local cuisine.

There are things that I don't like, for example, the culture of smoking is common, but there are no special areas for this. I also don't like that sometimes people don't care about the environment.

Here live cultural people. It always surprises me how much my students know about the culture, history, art. In America, people are mostly interested in movies and music. Here the interests of people are more diverse, people are interested in architecture, art, literature. They are more versatile.

Eugenio Mulangi, 30 years old, hometown — Lubango, engineer, @eugeniomulangi

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About moving

I was born in Angola, in Lubango the most beautiful city in our country. We're an oil country. At one point, the state decided to change the direction and send students to agronomic universities. So I got to Russia. I studied at the Timiryazev Academy at the faculty of zoo engineering.

Now I live in Russia. My wife was born in this country, and my son was also born here. Soon he will be five years old and this year I want to show him my homeland.

About difficulties

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It was hard for me to get used to the language because it is very different from my native. But when I met my wife, she started to help me. We have started to date in the first year, and it helped me get used to studying, country and culture.

About differences

Our countries are different, but we are similar in many ways. The first difference I noticed was we greet three times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon and the evening. In Russia, if you greeted someone in the morning, then it is not necessary to do it twice.

In Russia, if you greeted someone in the morning, then it is not necessary to do it twice

The food is more varied in Angola food is fresher, especially fruits. In Russian stores, fruits are not so delicious besides are much more expensive.

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Weather in Angola is always warm, only nights are cold, a maximum of five to six times a year. And in Russia, the cold lasts for six months.

About Russia

I like the way public transport is organized in Russia, especially in Moscow. We do not have such an organization in our country. I also like that the houses have heating.

Russia is my second homeland. I have lived here for 11 years. During this time I got used to everything, and I have a lot of good friends and my family lives in this country.

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