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Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business


Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

Olga Gribova, age 35, hometown —Tomsk, real-estate agent

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

About ecotourism

Georgia is a country of ancient civilizations, mineral waters, majestic mountains and pristine lakes. The sparsely populated mountain part has preserved the ancient flavour and natural purity, and people are hospitable. The main point is to see the beauty with your own eyes. All photographers, biologists, mountaineers, historians come to Georgia.

Through ecotourism, you discover unknown places even to the locals. Here you instantly feel yourself in a fairy-tale country — mountains and rivers, a place where East meets West, a European worldview. Travellers who support ecotourism must support local farmers, producers of eco-products. Therefore, there are villages and local shops throughout tourist eco-routes.

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

About directions

All routes designed to see the maximum in a short time. Svaneti is the most popular place, full of diverse views. Tusheti and Khevsureti are the most remote areas with untouched nature and medieval atmosphere. Canyons and waterfalls are an easy route near Kutaisi. This picturesque, diverse and easily accessible area of mountainous Georgia is interesting for tourists, climbers and lovers of antiquities. Routes are available for beginners in the mountain climbing.

All routes designed to see the maximum in a short time

We travelled on the cable car, visited the Museum of the Soviet climber Mikhail Khergiani and Ethnographic Museum. Imagine a place with traditional Svan houses — machubi, mountains with snowy peaks. A hike in Svaneti is recommended to rest from the office routine and get a lot of impressions.

Mtskheta is a sacred city with a large number of architectural and religious monuments. This is a real city-museum and every traveller obligated to see it at least once in life.

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

In Georgia, all directions and routes are well designed. Ecotourism, infrastructure and facilities for travellers are developing here. At the same time, they do not harm ecology and protect the environment.

Emily Hatt, age 24, hometown — Brisbane, traveller

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

About ecotourism

Last year we chose adventure ecotourism in Georgia. This is the most popular form of recreation. It is chosen for rock climbing, mountaineering, hiking, diving and other active sports.

This is a responsible journey through natural areas, which contributes to the protection of nature. Among the areas places with relatively untouched nature or preserved an authentic lifestyle. These are nature reserves, national parks or ancient villages. The main purpose of the trip is to explore the natural and cultural peculiarities of the country and get acquainted with the traditional life of the locals, to live in the wild.

The main purpose of the trip is to explore the natural and cultural peculiarities of the country and get acquainted with the traditional life of the locals

Such trips have a positive impact on the development of local business. In Georgia, this direction actively supported by the state. Here they open eco-cafes, hostels, rental of horses, boats, bicycles and other eco-friendly transport. Cafes cook something from seasonal products from farmers.

About directions

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

Narikala Fortress in Tbilisi is one of the most famous sights of Georgia. It has been repeatedly destroyed and restored, but the original appearance to date can not be restored. Now Narikala is considered as the hallmark of Tbilisi, and its walls offer stunning views to the landscape.

Uplistsikhe is an ancient architectural monument, which translates as "Fortress of God". The city excavated in the rock on the territory of which located hundreds of rooms and temples.

Kumistavi Cave is a unique natural phenomenon, part of the karst caves of the town of Tskaltubo.

Ecotourism in Georgia: unique nature, eco-routes, support of local business

Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park is one of the largest nature protection parks, near the city of Borjomi. The region is popular for mineral waters and unique nature to improve health. The territory of the national park includes ponds, rivers and waterfalls.

The tourist trail from Borjomi to Marelisi is 43 kilometres long. You can see the Lomi Mountains, live in a tent and visit the tourist base.

Ureki is a small town on the Black Sea coast. The coast covered with magnetic sands. There are several vacation homes, sanatoriums, but you can stay in nature.

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