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Best views of the city: 5 observation decks in Almaty


Best views of the city: 5 observation decks in Almaty

Almaty has some amazing spots for city views that are perfect for locals and visitors alike. From the popular Kok-Tobe with its fun attractions to the peaceful First President’s Park, here are five great places to see Almaty from above.


One of the most renowned spots in Almaty, Kok-Tobe is situated at an elevation of 1130 meters above sea level. The mountain park offers breathtaking views of the entire city and the surrounding Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains. The cable car, with its 1620-meter-long route, provides a stunning 6-minute ride up to the park, where visitors can enjoy numerous attractions like a Ferris wheel, an upside-down house, and a mini-zoo. The observation deck near the Kok-Tobe TV tower offers a panoramic view, making it a popular spot for photography, especially at sunset​​. The Beatles monument and various cafes and restaurants, including a traditional Yurt restaurant, add to the charm of Kok-Tobe​.

Medeu and Shymbulak

The famous high-altitude skating rink Medeu and the Shymbulak ski resort offer stunning views of Almaty. A cable car ride up to Shymbulak reveals picturesque mountain landscapes and a bird's eye view of the city below. The area is especially popular in winter when the snow-covered peaks create a magical backdrop​.

First President’s Park

Located in the southern part of Almaty, this park provides magnificent views of the city and the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains. The park's elevation allows for panoramic vistas, particularly enchanting during the evening and autumn. With more than 11 000 trees and diverse plant species, it’s a favorite spot for both locals and tourists​.

Sunkar International Ski Jumping Complex

The ski jumping complex offers thrilling views from its high vantage points. The views are particularly impressive in winter when the mountains are blanketed in snow. Due to security, driving up directly is not possible, but visitors can park at the gates and walk to the jumping platforms​.

Zvezdnaya Polyana

A beloved spot among Almaty's youth, Zvezdnaya Polyana is just a 10-minute drive from the First President’s Park. Known by all the locals, this location provides an excellent vantage point for stunning views of the city, especially at night. It’s a great place to enjoy the serene beauty of Almaty away from the city's hustle and bustle​.

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