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    Наши люди WE:

  • Наш Человек стремится создавать то, что улучшает жизнь людей

  • Наш Человек в общении с окружением честен и справедлив, порядочен и верен

  • Вы доверяете ему и уверены в его искренности

  • Наш Человек живет полной жизнью: любимая семья, достойное окружение, любимое дело, интересное хобби

  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Coffee with CEM CIRITCI

38, from Karabuk, Turkey General Manager at Ramada Plaza Astana Hotel


Coffee with CEM CIRITCI


I was offered a job in 2007 while Ramada Plaza was called Intercontinental. Astana has transformed for seven years, the city is quickly developing, and today we can see a modern and amazing city.


I came to Astana in the winter, when it was below zero outdoors. It was the first time I felt such an eerie cold, as I come from the town with no snow at all. Of course, I was terribly shocked moving from Antalya with +40 C ° to Astana with - 40 C °.


I did not know much about Kazakhstan before coming here and the trip was a great experience. Many things in Kazakh culture such as languages are intertwined with Turkish. I believe that Turkish and Kazakh languages ​​are similar to each other. At first it was difficult for me but then I started to understand and speak Kazakh well in a year. Also, I learned Russian. The biggest advantage is that our mentality is similar, so I had no difficulties in adapting.


Once a VIP guest came to our hotel and I as general manager went out to greet him at the entrance. Seeing me, he greeted me and gave me a hundred dollars. I was stunned and tried to explain him that I was a general manager and was not asking for money! Apparently, he thought I was asking for more and gave me another hundred dollars. The porter and everyone around us started to greet the guest, it was funny.


I’ve witnessed a lot of changes in Astana for 7 years. There’re a lot of hotels, new companies, new buildings growing every day. In 2017 Kazakhstan has a chance to show itself all over the world at EXPO. We’re to prepare the hotel for the arrival of millions of people.


I like living in Astana, my family’s here. The eldest daughter studies in the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum. She speaks Turkish and Russian, and she’s learning English and Kazakh at school. My daughter who’s 2.5 years old was born in Astana, and we’re expecting a third child in September. I'm happy now, but still don’t know what the future will be like.

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