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Semey is one of the most beautiful cities in Kazakhstan, it is located on the Irtish river. WE decided to show you the popular places of Semey and guide through the city to make your visit unforgettable.



There are two city centers, but they are close to each other: the first one is near to the School №6 and Abay Theater; the second one is called “Agenstvo” which is close to “Zeleniy bazar” (“Green market”). In the city center you can see a trade houses “СUM”, “Rakhat”.

CITY TRAVEL GUIDE: SEMEY Source: altaynews.kz

The airport is far from Semey, it’s a small building, which was constructed in Soviet times. But the railway station is 10 minutes far from the city centers.


CITY TRAVEL GUIDE: SEMEY Source: hotelnomad.kz

“Nomad” Hotel

“Nomad”, the first international hotel in Semey, was built and opened in June, 2007.Hotel has the modern elevator, central air conditioning, satellite television, direct telephone with inner and international line, Wi-Fi internet, car parking.


Standard room — 15 000 KZT

Standard double room — 21 000 KZT

Luxe — 33 000 KZT

Address: 149, Ibrayev st.

Contacts: 8 7222 520 444

“Semey” Hotel

This hotel is located in front of “Pobeda Square”.


Economy room — from 4500 KZT

Luxe — from 15 000 KZT

Address: 26, Kabanbaybatyr st.

Contacts: 8 7222 563 606, 563 605


Featuring free Wi-Fi, restaurant and free parking.


Standard double room5000 KZT

Luxe —10 000 KZT

Address: 9, Urankhaev st.

Contacts:8 771 203 00 00

“Mini Hotel VIP”

Every room at this hotel is air conditioned and is equipped with a flat-screen TV. Every room has a private bathroom.


Standard double room —6000 KZT

Luxe — 9000 KZT

Address: 47, Mamay Batyr st.

Contacts: 8 7222 542 966


CITY TRAVEL GUIDE: SEMEY Source: "Espresso" coffee house

The food in Semey is quite cheap. One of the best and very popular places, especially among the young people and families, is “Espresso” coffee house. Despite the fact that café is not so big, it’s a very cozy and nice place, where you can try delicious cakes, and drink fresh coffee.

You can try savory square-shaped pancakes at Café “Blinok”. For the law prices you can try different kinds of pancakes. There is always a long line, but you won’t stay very long, because it moves quickly.

Recently in Semey has been opened a pizza house “Pizzoli”. It’s a big, double floor café, and you buy food in bulk, i.e. you can take the food and buy for every 100 gram. The café is focused more on Italian cuisine: pizza, lasagna, but also you can try sushi.

“Espresso”Coffee house

Address: 37A, Pervomaiskaya st.

Average check:1000 KZT

Working hours: MO-SA 10:00 — 23:00, SU 11:00 — 23:00

Contacts: 8 707 982 95 95

“Blinok” Café

Address: 157, Naimanbayev st.

Average check: 400 — 700 KZT

Working hours: MO-SA 09:00 — 18:00, SU — day off

Contacts: 8 7222 52 25 52

“Pizzoli” Pizza House

Address: 145, Naimanbayev st.

Average check:100 gr — 345 KZT

Working hours: MO-SU 11:00 — 23:00

Contacts: 8 7222 523 686


CITY TRAVEL GUIDE: SEMEY Source: youtube.com

You can go to the bowling “Arlan”, everybody likes to hang out here. You can spend time at the “Central Park”, where you can buy street food, go to the shooting range, Rope Park.

There are several museums as “The Nevzorovs’ Museum”, named after the family who gave the museum more than 500 paintings. Also, you can visit the “Museum of Regional Studies” dedicated to Abay Kunanbayev, “Dostoyevsky Museum”, where the writer lived with his wife and baby, including years in jail at Omsk.

Every visitor has to walk on a suspension bridge that crosses the river Irtish, which was built by Japan architectures.

Also we have a biological center on the “Polkovnichiy Island”, where you can see different animals, as bears, Przewalski’s horses, and so on.

“Arlan” Bowling center

Address: 69, Abay st.

Working hours: FR-SU 12:00 — 02:00

Contacts: 8 7222 568 259

“The Nevzorovs’ Museum”

Address: 108, Pushkin st.

Entrance: adults — 300 KZT, students/ pensioners — 150 KZT, pupils — 50 KZT

Guide tour (maximum 20 people): adults — 1000 KZT, students/pupils — 700 KZT

Working hours: TU-SA 10:00 — 17:30, SU-MO — days off

Contacts: 8 7222 523 184, 522 007

“Museum of Regional Studies”

Address: 29, Internacionalnaya st.

Entrance: adults — 300 KZT, students/ pensioners — 150 KZT, pupils — 70 KZT

Working hours: TU-SU — 10:00 — 18:00, MO — day off

Contacts: 8 7222 821 721, 524 357

“Dostoyevsky Museum”

Address: 118, Dostiyevskiy st.

Entrance: adults — 200 KZT, pensioners — 100 KZT, students — 120 KZT, pupils (8-11 grades) — 80 KZT, pupils (1-7 grades) — 50 KZT, tourists — 250 KZT

Working hours: MO-FR 09:00 — 18:00, SA-SU — days off, the last Friday of the month — cleaning day

Contacts: 8 7222 522 020, 524 976

“Biological center”

Address: Polkovnichiy Island, route 43

Entrance: adults — 100 KZT, kids from 3 years old — 50 KZT

Working hours: MO-SU 09:00 — 19:00

Contacts: 8 7222 561 859, 568 453

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