Andrew Wachtel is an experienced specialist in the field of education, a writer and translator. In 2010, he moved to Kyrgyzstan. He was the president of one of the best universities in the country, and then founded his own educational institution. We tell an amazing story of moving and activity of a foreigner in a new country for him.
About me
I was born and raised in New Jersey. After school, studied in Boston, and then at the University of California, Berkeley. My specialty is Slavistics, Russian and Eastern European literature and culture.
My grandmother was born in Russia. In 1913, she moved to Zurich to study at the Faculty of Medicine. It was thanks to her that I became interested in the Russian language. Besides, I've always been interested in literature. I combined these directions and devoted my research to how literature creates reality. I have written several works on this topic and became a member of the American Academy of Sciences.
I taught at Stanford University for several years. For a long time worked at Northwestern University. I started as an administrator of academic projects, was the head of the Department of Slavic Studies, director of the research center, dean of postgraduate programs. Under my management there were more than 165 master's and PhD educational programs for all specialties with an annual budget of $ 100 million.
I could have become the president of the university, but I decided to find something new for myself. The fact is that in the United States, the president is only looking for funds. This has little to do with educational processes. Therefore, when I was contacted by the Soros Foundation and offered the position of president of the American University in Central Asia, I agreed. I knew that I would have more work and opportunities here.
About moving
I visited Central Asia for the first time in 1987. Then I worked as an interpreter for an American photographer. We shot a photo album about the era of perestroika in Samarkand and Tashkent.
I came to Kyrgyzstan in 2010 as a candidate for the post of AUCA president. I remember my first impression: a lively university and demanding students.
At that time, Bishkek was a one-story provincial city. I was pleasantly surprised how beautiful nature is here.
About the activity
I was president of AUCA for eight years. We have achieved a lot over the years. We have improved academic programs, raised the level of teachers, and expanded international programs. A new campus was built. It was one of the biggest and most interesting projects in my life.
By 2018, I realized that I needed to move on. At the same time, I was invited to Kazakhstan, where I worked for some time as the rector of Narxoz University. After the outbreak of the pandemic, I returned to Kyrgyzstan.
Here my friends and I founded a new educational institution — Compass College. We give a good and understandable education to students who want to study and work in Kyrgyzstan or abroad.
My responsibilities include the search and hiring of teachers, their training, work on the compilation of academic programs. I am also responsible for organizing the admission of students, I am engaged in marketing and sales, partly finance. I plan to further develop the college, develop partnerships with foreign universities.
I don't like doing the same thing. Here I have the opportunity to do a new thing every day.
About Kyrgyzstan
It is easy to live in Kyrgyzstan. I like the local pace of life. It is more peaceful than in other places. People have time for themselves.
Foreign teachers also like the country. Recently, an American admitted that the year spent in Kyrgyzstan was the best in his life.
It is easy to live in Kyrgyzstan
It's great that there are a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables here from May to October. The quality of the products is excellent. One friend said that he could not find anywhere as delicious strawberries as here.
I have been to almost every corner of Kyrgyzstan. Nature is beautiful everywhere. I like Sonkel Lake. We will go there soon with my daughter and my wife. In winter I like to visit the Karakol ski resort.
About people and traditions
Local people are open, easy-going. The Kyrgyz are an enterprising people. They are willing to take a justified risk.
Residents of Kyrgyzstan are close to nature. And that's great.
It is interesting to attend traditional events. I especially like the one in honor of the day when the child turns one year old.
About the plans
We plan to continue working on Compass College. Next year we will open a college in Tashkent. We are thinking about expanding to Almaty. It will take from three to five years.
Further plans depend on the development of the project. Perhaps we will stay in Kyrgyzstan or go to the USA. At the same time, there is always a chance that I will be offered something interesting here or in another country.