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5 places to rent and purchase ski suits and equipment in Bishkek


5 places to rent and purchase ski suits and equipment in Bishkek

If you're planning an active holiday in Bishkek, here are some great places to rent or purchase ski suits and equipment.

Ski Park, @skipark.kg

Ski Park offers a wide selection of ski equipment for rent, including skis with boots and poles, snowboards with boots, ski suits, and sleds. They also provide ski passes.

Extremal, @magazin_extremal

Extremal is a store that offers everything for sports and outdoor activities. In their range, you'll find skis and snowboards for purchase, as well as ski equipment repairs.

Ski House Rental, @ski_house_rental

Specializing in ski equipment rental and sales, Ski House Rental provides skis, snowboards, helmets, goggles, gloves, and ski suits, making it a one-stop shop for your winter sports needs.

Mounterra, @mounterra.kg

Mounterra offers a wide selection of ski equipment for rent. You can rent snowboards, alpine and cross-country skis, bicycles, and other tourist gear. They also have skis, boots, poles, snowboards, children's skis, helmets, masks, gloves, and more.

Fun Ride, @funride.kg

Fun Ride offers a large selection of ski equipment for rent, including snowboards, alpine skis, boots, poles, children's sets, as well as jackets, pants, suits, helmets, goggles, gloves, and seat pads.

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